Hello this is Charles Cairol with the BBc news.
Charles Cairol 为你播报BBC新闻。
Jubilant celebration have erupted in portugal after the national football team won the European Championship beating France 1-0 in Paris. The winning goal was scored by Eder in extral time to the dismay of the home fans in the Stade de France and the delight of Portuguese supporters. Our correspondent in Lisbon Allison Roberts was watching the match.
葡萄牙队球员在比赛后胜利欢庆。在法国巴黎进行的2016年欧洲足球锦标赛决赛中,葡萄牙队以1比0战胜法国队,首次夺得欧锦赛冠军。 埃德尔加时赛的一粒进球获胜,令主场球迷感到失望悲伤,而葡萄牙球迷们兴奋不已,请听本台记者艾莉森·罗伯特为您从里斯本发回的报道。
The reaction in public squares and private homes around Portugal was wild when the whistle blew after extral time. For the first time ever the national football scott has won a major tournament. Twelve years after failing to win the European Championship staged in Portugal, the feat was finally achieved against host France and the winning goal was scored after Cristiano Ronaldo captain and adored national was stretched off injured.
The United Nation security council has been holding an emergency session to discuss the resumption of violence in south Sudan. Hundreds of people are reported to have been killed since fighting broke out on Thursday in the capital Juba. The clashes are between soidlers loyal to president Sauser Quia, and those led by the vice president Rayek Machar who recently signed a peace deal. Chanto Perso is the spokesman for unmiss the UN mission in south Sudan.
联合国安理会已召开紧急会议讨论南苏丹再度爆发战斗。据报道,自周四首都朱巴爆发战争以来,已造成数百人丧生。此次暴力冲突双方分别是南苏丹总统基尔领导的苏丹人民解放军和副总统马沙尔领导的苏丹人民解放军反对派,其最近签署了一项和平协议。Chanto Perso是联合国驻南苏丹特派团发言人。
He can not even made optimistic at the peace agreement that we signed last year, but they really fail that implement. Prompts that have been taken in clash between progress last month and we really hope that the two can find solution to deal with that in the last few days and really review them on, finding peace to the tacklement and lead to implement the agreement.
Final result from Sunday election in Japan show that the coalition government of the prime minister Shinzo Abe has won the important 2/3 majority in the upper house.It gives Mr.Abe the option to try to revise Japan's pacifism constitution. From Tokyo, Steven Evens reports.
周日日本选举最终结果显示,联合政府首相安倍晋三在参院赢得了重要的2/3多数选票。它为安培修改日本和平宪法提供了机会,请听Steven Evens 从东京发回的报道。
Prime Minister are beckoning a move towards holding a referendum on whether the constitution so called Pacifism Clause which forbids Japan fighting wars should be changed. It was imposed on a shattered, defeated nation by the victorious Americans 70 years ago. Mr.Abe has indicated he think it's now outdated particularly with the rise of China. Japan, though, is divided. Even the Prime Minister's allies in the government, those with a Buddhist background, are uneasy about renouncing pacifism.
North Korean military says it will take physical counter measures against the deployment of the sophisticated US anti-missile system planned for South Korean. It said it would act as soon as the time and the location of the system was known. The South Korean said the site could be chosen within weeks and the missiles installed by the end of next year.
World news from the BBC.
The police chief in the US city of Dallas has said that they believe the gunman who shot five police officers there was planning an even larger attack. David Brown also revealed that Mike Johnson toned to the authorities during two hours of negotiation. From Dallas, James Cook reports.
在美国达拉斯市的警察局长表示他们认为杀死5名警员的枪手曾计划发动一次更大的袭击。大卫·布朗还透露,在长达两个小时的调查中,迈卡·约翰逊曾嘲笑警方人员。请听 James Cook从达拉斯发回报道。
he details revealed by Dallas police chief David Brown are disturbing. He told CNN that Micah Johnson, a black Army veteran, had insisted on speaking with a black negotiator and then taunted police, asking how many officers he had shot, lauging and singing and scrawling in blood on the wall of the parking garage where he was cornered and eventually killed. It's also emerged that the 25 year old had practiced military-style drills at home and the private Academy of Combative Warrior Arts which teaches tactics such as "shooting on the move".拉斯警察局长大卫·布朗透露的细节令人不安。他在接受CNN采访时指出,迈克·约翰逊,黑人退伍士兵,其坚持要求与一名黑人警方进行谈判,并对警方进行嘲笑,询问他射杀了几名警察,一边笑一边唱歌。当时他被困在一处停车场内,并用血迹在停车场的墙上乱写乱画,最终被射杀。25岁约翰逊曾在家中进行军事训练,并参加好战斗士私人艺术学院培训,其教授学生如何在行进中射击等战术。
A prominent activist from the Black Lives Matter Movement in the United States has been released after being detained overnight in a jail in Lousiana. DeRay Mckesson was picked up during protests in Baton Rouge where a black man had been killed by police last week. Officer said that he had been charged with abstructing a highway along with around 100 others who were detained.
美国“黑人生命同样重要运动”一名杰出的积极分子在路易斯安娜州监狱被拘留一夜之后已被释放。上周,巴吞鲁日再次发生白人警察枪杀黑人事件,DeRay Mckesson在抗议活动中被逮捕。官员表示他被指控他被指控与100多名抗议人士阻断高速路,其他100多名活动人士也遭到了逮捕。
On a rare visit to Israel, the Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has warned that the prospects of peace and security is moving further from the reach of Israelis as long as the conflicts of the Palestinian people continues. Mr.Shoukry said that a two-state solution was not far-fetched but the deteriorating conditions for Palestinians were undermining peace prospects. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the Palestinians to join Israel in direct negotiations.
埃及外交部长萨 Sameh Shoukry罕见访问以色列,他警告称只要巴以冲突不断,以色列所期待的和平与安全就不会实现。 Sameh Shoukry称两国并存的解决方案不牵强附会,但巴勒斯坦局势恶化不利于和平谈判。以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡呼吁巴勒斯坦与以色列展开直接对话。
Columbia official say that 35,00 Venezuelans have crossed into their countries to shop for basic suppliers, it's the first time that Venezuela has open the border since last August. Venezuelans flocked to supermarket to buy rice, flour, oil and toilet paper.
And that's the latest BBC news
Hello this is Charles Cairol with the BBc news.
Jubilant celebration have erupted in portugal after the national football team won the European Championship beating France 1-0 in Paris. The winning goal was scored by Eder in extral time to the dismay of the home fans in the Stade de France and the delight of Portuguese supporters. Our correspondent in Lisbon Allison Roberts was watching the match.
The reaction in public squares and private homes around Portugal was wild when the whistle blew after extral time. For the first time ever the national football scott has won a major tournament. Twelve years after failing to win the European Championship staged in Portugal, the feat was finally achieved against host France and the winning goal was scored after Cristiano Ronaldo captain and adored national was stretched off injured.
The United Nation security council has been holding an emergency session to discuss the resumption of violence in south Sudan. Hundreds of people are reported to have been killed since fighting broke out on Thursday in the capital Juba. The clashes are between soidlers loyal to president Sauser Quia, and those led by the vice president Rayek Machar who recently signed a peace deal. Chanto Perso is the spokesman for unmiss the UN mission in south Sudan.
He can not even made optimistic at the peace agreement that we signed last year, but they really fail that implement. Prompts that have been taken in clash between progress last month and we really hope that the two can find solution to deal with that in the last few days and really review them on, finding peace to the tacklement and lead to implement the agreement.
Final result from Sunday election in Japan show that the coalition government of the prime minister Shinzo Abe has won the important 2/3 majority in the upper house.It gives Mr.Abe the option to try to revise Japan's pacifism constitution. From Tokyo, Steven Evens reports.
Prime Minister are beckoning a move towards holding a referendum on whether the constitution so called Pacifism Clause which forbids Japan fighting wars should be changed. It was imposed on a shattered, defeated nation by the victorious Americans 70 years ago. Mr.Abe has indicated he think it's now outdated particularly with the rise of China. Japan, though, is divided. Even the Prime Minister's allies in the government, those with a Buddhist background, are uneasy about renouncing pacifism.
North Korean military says it will take physical counter measures against the deployment of the sophisticated US anti-missile system planned for South Korean. It said it would act as soon as the time and the location of the system was known. The South Korean said the site could be chosen within weeks and the missiles installed by the end of next year.
World news from the BBC.
The police chief in the US city of Dallas has said that they believe the gunman who shot five police officers there was planning an even larger attack. David Brown also revealed that Mike Johnson toned to the authorities during two hours of negotiation. From Dallas, James Cook reports.
he details revealed by Dallas police chief David Brown are disturbing. He told CNN that Micah Johnson, a black Army veteran, had insisted on speaking with a black negotiator and then taunted police, asking how many officers he had shot, lauging and singing and scrawling in blood on the wall of the parking garage where he was cornered and eventually killed. It's also emerged that the 25 year old had practiced military-style drills at home and the private Academy of Combative Warrior Arts which teaches tactics such as "shooting on the move".
A prominent activist from the Black Lives Matter Movement in the United States has been released after being detained overnight in a jail in Lousiana. DeRay Mckesson was picked up during protests in Baton Rouge where a black man had been killed by police last week. Officer said that he had been charged with abstructing a highway along with around 100 others who were detained.
On a rare visit to Israel, the Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has warned that the prospects of peace and security is moving further from the reach of Israelis as long as the conflicts of the Palestinian people continues. Mr.Shoukry said that a two-state solution was not far-fetched but the deteriorating conditions for Palestinians were undermining peace prospects. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the Palestinians to join Israel in direct negotiations.
Columbia official say that 35,00 Venezuelans have crossed into their countries to shop for basic suppliers, it's the first time that Venezuela has open the border since last August. Venezuelans flocked to supermarket to buy rice, flour, oil and toilet paper.
And that's the latest BBC news