I followed you. 我跟踪你了
You were really upset, and my da-- 你看起来很伤心 我爸爸...
my dad, I have never seen him that angry before. 我从没见过我爸爸那么生气
Is there something going on, something that I should know about? 出什么事了吗 有什么要告诉我的吗
You can sit down, you know. 你先坐下吧
Did you hear? Some of it. 听到什么了吗 一部分
It sounded like you caught my dad in my room. 好像是你发现我爸爸在我房间里
Do you know what he was doing? 你知道他在那干什么吗
Rifling through papers. 在一堆纸里翻找什么
That wasn't the first time I caught him. 这已经不是第一次被我发现了
He was going through my purse yesterday. 昨天他在翻我的皮包
What? Did he say why? 什么 他解释原因了吗
He thought it was yours. 他以为是你的包
When I came across him in your room, 当我撞见他在你房里
I asked him what was going on. 我问他到底怎么回事
He wouldn't tell me. 他不告诉我
He seemed... caught. 他看起来很慌张
Defensive. 很警觉
I couldn't shake the feeling that he was lying. 我感觉他在撒谎
So later, he went to drop Mike off at a friend's. 后来 他送迈克去朋友家
And I went on my own search. 我搜了搜他的房间
I found these... 我发现了这些...
in his dresser. 在他的柜子里
Those are mine. Did you read this? 那些都是我的 你看过了吗