How many times did she visit her? 她探望了她几次
What is that? 那是什么
Mona kept souvenirs. 梦娜喜欢收藏
How many times did Cece visit her? 茜茜探望了她几次
I wouldn't know. Yes, you would, Wren. 我不知道 你当然知道 任
You authorized it. 你批准的
And I was almost suspended for it. 因为这事我差点被停职
Mona was under restriction at that time, no visitors. 那时候对梦娜有限制 不能探访
And you broke the rules for her because...? 那你为她破坏规矩是因为...
Cece called me and was desperate to see her. 茜茜打电话给我 说很想见她
She thought she could help her. 她觉得可以帮助她
Help her with what? 帮她什么
Recover from the psychic wounds inflicted by your 从你去世的朋友艾莉森带来的精神折磨中
late friend, Alison. 恢复过来
You sure it wasn't the other way around? 你确定不是反过来吗
Quite sure. Alison pulled some stunt at a frat party 确定 艾莉森在兄弟会派对上耍了花招
that got Cece kicked out of university. 让茜茜被大学开除了
Ali... got Cece kicked out of school? 艾莉...让茜茜被大学开除了吗
Yeah, Cece came out the other side, 对 茜茜恢复过来了
and she thought she could serve as a role model for Mona. 她觉得可以给梦娜做榜样
And I agreed. 我同意了