Mom? What's going on? 妈妈 怎么了
Why were you carrying that missing person's file? 你为什么有那起失踪人口的档案
I promised I wouldn't keep anything from you. 我保证过不隐瞒你任何事
But I have to make sure that you keep this from your friends. 但我得确保你不会告诉你的朋友们
Can I have your phone, please? 可以给我你的手机吗
What? 什么事
This is very sensitive information, 这是非常敏感的信息
If it got out before the police... 如果消息在警局公布之前就走漏了...
Mom. Please, what is it? 妈妈 快告诉我怎么了
They found another body early this evening. 他们今晚找到了另一具尸体
A young man. 一个年轻男人
Late teens, early 20s. 20岁左右
No identification. 身份尚未确认
What are you saying? 你想说什么
It could be Toby? 可能是托比吗
I don't know. 我不知道
How can they not know? 他们怎么会不知道呢
There was significant trauma to the body, Emily. 尸体遭受了巨大创伤 艾米丽
It's gonna take some time before they're certain. 他们需要一些时间才能确定
We'll know more tomorrow morning. 我们明早会有更多消息