You want some? 要喝点东西么
Hanna, 汉娜
You don't need a lawyer 要不要咖啡还是
to tell me whether or not you'd like a cup coffee. 不需要律师在场的
No, thank you. 不了 谢谢
How about I tell you what I know? 要不我来说说我怎么想的
You were carrying a concealed firearm without a license. 你在没有执照的情况下私自携带枪支
The gun is a .38 caliber revolver. 那是把.38口径左轮手枪
Yours holds six bullets, 你这枪能装六发子弹
But you had only four. 但其中只有四法
Straightaway you gotta wonder 通常情况 你就会想
where the other bullets went, right? 那两发子弹去哪儿了 对吧
You could be looking at a third-degree felony charge 你可能会被指控三级重罪
for carrying a concealed weapon. 由于私自携带枪
That's up to a seven-year sentence. 最多可判七年刑
Hanna, I do not want to see that happen to you. 汉娜 我不希望这事发生在你身上
Neither do you. Neither do your parents. 你也不希望 你父母也不希望
But I need you to think about who you're trying to protect 但我需要你想想 你到底要保护谁
and why. 还有为什么
How do you know I wasn't just protecting myself? 你怎么知道我不是在保护我自己
A hunch. 感觉
That'll be your mom. 应该是你妈妈
Hanna, we're going. 汉娜 我们能走了
Her bail's been paid and her lawyer's on the way. 保释金已付 律师也在路上了
Come on. - I will walk you out. 走吧 -我送你出去