Ashley. Ashley! 艾什莉 艾什莉
You trying to burn the house down? 你要把房子烧了吗
It's fine. I'm fine. 没事 我很好
No, you're not fine. 不 你并不好
What did Veronica say? 维罗妮卡说什么了
They don't know anything yet. 他们暂时还什么都不知道
What else? 还有什么事
Ash. 艾什
The fact that we haven't heard anything, 我们没听到任何消息
not about Hanna, not about the gun... 没有汉娜的消息 没有枪的消息
It's not a good sign. 这不是什么好征兆
Oh! Damn it! 该死
Just leave me alone, all right? 别管我好吗
Just leave me alone for two seconds. 让我自己待一会
Just, hold onto this. 放在这上面
Just tell me it was self-defense. 告诉我那是自卫行为
People could believe that. 人们会相信的
I could believe that. 我会相信的
Believe what you want, Tom. 随你相信什么 汤姆
I already told you what happened. 我已经告诉你发生了什么