Em! 艾米
Hey, Emily. 艾米丽
I've been looking for you. 我一直在找你
I know who Ali was calling. 我知道艾莉的电话是打给谁的
At least I think I do. 至少我觉得我搞清楚了
I was talking to all of these sorority girls, 我跟联谊会的女生都谈过
and they didn't know anything about a hidden room. 她们都不知道那个暗室
But a couple years ago, there was this housemother-- 但是几年前 有一个舍监
The Grunwald. Yeah. 格伦沃尔德 是的
Exactly. And she would disappear for hours at a time, 就是她 她有时会消失几个小时
and then all of the sudden, poof, she would reappear 然后又嗖的一下突然出现
as if she'd never left the house. 就像从没离开过一样
What if Mrs. Grunwald was using that hidden room? 如果格伦沃尔德夫人是通过暗室离开的呢
What if that's who Ali was calling? 艾莉会不会就是给她打的电话
I don't think the Grunwald wore board shorts. 我觉得格伦沃尔德不是穿滑板裤的人
Okay, so we got that part wrong. 好吧 就算我们想错了
But this is our chance to get it right. 但现在我们有机会搞明白
Mrs. Grunwald could know who was after Ali. 格伦沃尔德夫人有可能知道谁在找艾莉
It could be "A". 那个人可能就是A
It could be the same person who's framing Hanna's mom. 那个人有可能和陷害汉娜妈妈的是同一个人
Look, you wanna help Hanna, right? 你想帮汉娜 对吗
So, let's go talk to Mrs. Grunwald today, okay? 我们今天去找格伦沃尔德夫人谈谈 好吗
You and me. 你和我一起去
Spencer, stop. 斯宾塞 够了
Having Mona's RV could've helped Hanna. 要是梦娜的房车还在我们还可能帮到汉娜
And I'm not going on another wild goose chase with you 我可不想为了你能消除罪恶感
just so you can clear your guilty conscience. 就跟你白跑一趟
Look, I want to explain everything, but I just can't. Not yet. 我很想跟你解释这一切 但是现在还不行
I know you're trying to protect Toby, 我知道你是想保护托比
but I really wish you'd think about the people you were hurting. 但我真的希望你能想想你正在伤害的人