I'm starving. Do you, um, want anything from downstairs? 我快饿死了 要我从楼下拿点吃的上来吗
I'll take a sandwich or something. 随便拿个三明治吧
Okay. 好
Wait. 等等
We got a hit. 有匹配结果了
Same kind of plane as the one at Thornhill. 和康山那架同一型号的飞机
The flight plans are private. 飞行计划没有公开
The address of record is at Howell Acres Flight Center. 记录地址是豪厄尔·埃克斯飞行中心
That's not far from here. 离这不远
I'll drive. 我来开车
No one's seen Shana since the Open Mic. K歌之夜以后就没人见过莎娜了
It's like she disappeared. 她好像消失了似的
She can't just disappear. This isn't Hogworts. 怎么可能消失 又不是在霍格沃茨
There's only so many halls and classrooms. 就这么几个礼堂和教室
Well, she sped out of Ravenswood in Jenna's Mustang. 她开着詹娜的福特野马匆匆离开了鸦林镇
Maybe she knows that Spencer and Toby saw her. 也许她知道斯宾塞和托比看到她了
Maybe she doesn't want to answer any questions. 也许她不想回答任何问题
She'll pop up again. 她还会再出现的
Like it or not, she always does. 不管你喜不喜欢 她总会出现
I could have brought that to you. 我可以把东西拿给你
I was out earlier anyway. 反正我出门早了
I went to go visit my mom. 去看我妈妈了
How is she? 她怎么样