Guys, listen... 老兄
You're the pilot, 你就是那个飞行员
right? John Smith? 约翰·史密斯 对吗
Hey, you filed that flight plan to Delaware as cover, 你提交了那份飞往特拉华的计划作为掩护
landed at Thornhill in the fog, 实际是在大雾中降落在康山
delivered a blond girl in a red coat, 你把一个穿红色外套的金发女孩送到那
and then you flew her out of there. 然后又把她送走
Who is she, Nigel? 那女孩是谁 奈杰尔
I don't know anything about a fire. I wasn't there. 我不知道什么大火 我没去过那
Just--I got paid to fake a flight plan. 我只是收了钱去伪造一个飞行计划
Okay? And spin a little story 然后如果有人问起
if someone came asking. That's all. 就随便编个故事 就这样
By who? - Was it her? The blond? 谁指使你的 -是她吗 那个金发女孩
I'll give you your money back, okay? I just got greedy. 我把钱还给你们行吗 是我太贪心了
We are gonna need a name. 我们要知道一个名字
I could lose my job! I broke the law! 我会丢工作的 我做的事已经违法了
Just... 就是...
Her name was-- 她的名字叫...
I don't know. Drake, Cece, I think. 我不知道 好像是德雷克 茜茜什么的
Just take the money and drop it, all right? 把钱拿走 放过我吧 行吗