Hanna's convinced Mona did all this 汉娜坚信梦娜这么做
as a way to right all the wrongs. 是为了挽回一切
When has Mona ever done anything 梦娜做事什么时候
out of the goodness of her heart? 出自过好心
What heart? 那她这次又有什么目的
She told the police that we bullied her once. 她曾经告诉警察我们威胁过她
She could do it again. 历史可能重演
What, like we forced her to confess? Yeah. 说我们逼她认罪吗 是啊
And she still has that picture that "A" sent 而且她手上还有那张A发的照片
of the four of us standing outside of Wilden's car that night. 拍的是我们四个站在威尔登车外
Yeah, but Mona was there, too. 对 可当时梦娜也在场
Not according to the picture. 她不在照片里
Check it out. 你看
You took this? 这是你拍的吗
Yeah, I took it at a meet last year. 去年的一次比赛时拍的
She's gonna love it. 她一定会喜欢的
Okay, we should go. 我们该走了
I told Paige we'd be at her aunt's house in like 20 minutes. 我告诉佩奇我们20分钟后到她姨妈家
With everything that's going on, 以现在的情况来看
I still don't understand why she's throwing this party. 我始终不明白她为什么要开派对
Emily's been living like a refugee for days now. 艾米丽这些天活得像难民一样
I think Paige just thought she at least deserved a piece of cake. 佩奇或许觉得 至少该让她好好过个生日
Shana, they know I'm hiding something. 莎娜 他们知道我没说实话
If the cops really thought that, 如果警方真那么想
you'd still be there answering questions. 那你现在应该还在受审
I should have told them about Alison. 我应该坦白艾莉森的事情
It's too dangerous. 那太危险了
It's too dangerous not to say anything at this point! 现在什么都不说才危险
Just give me a little more time to figure out where she is. 再给我点时间 让我找到她
I don't have much time left. 我的时间不多了
I'm not leaving your side 在明早带你回费城之前
until I take you back to Philly in the morning. Okay? 我会一直呆在你身边