Spence, it's like you're living a double life. 斯宾塞 你现在好像有双重身份
What makes you think I'm living a double life? 你为什么这么觉得
Because I have and I know exactly what it looks like. 因为我经历过 我知道那是什么样子
Every time Toby calls, 每次托比打来
you leave the room, your mood changes. 你就出去接电话 情绪大变
Are you pregnant? - Shut up, Hanna. 你怀孕了吗 -别瞎说 汉娜
Okay, it's like you're here but you're not. 你人在这儿 心思却不在
We get it. We understand you have a boyfriend. 我们明白 也理解你有男朋友
We've all had them. 我们都有
Yeah, even Emily. 对 连艾米丽都有
Shut up, Hanna. 你够了 汉娜
Okay but we don't put anyone above our friendship. 可我们谁也没重色轻友啊
I'm not putting him above you guys. 我没有重色轻友
I just--Toby is-- 我只是 托比他
He's dealing with some really serious stuff. 他在处理一些很重要的事情
Spencer, 斯宾塞
Hanna's mom might be going to prison, like, for real. 汉娜的妈妈可能真要进监狱了
Emily's got a car parked in her living room, 艾米丽的卧室里闯进了一辆车
And I nearly lost an eye this afternoon. 而我今天下午还差点弄瞎了眼睛
I think... 我觉得
all of our stuff ranks on the "serious" charts. 这些都算是重要事件吧
I promised him. 我答应过他保密
We know. 我们知道
Spence, what's the deal? 斯宾塞 到底是什么事
Is Toby working with "A" Again? 是不是托比又和A一伙了
No. 不是
But "A" is giving him gifts, too. 但A也给了他一些礼物