No, I understand. 不 我明白
But the interview's already set up. 但面谈已经约好了
Why don't I come in anyway? 我还是去一趟吧
No, it wouldn't be inconvenient at all. 不 没有不方便
I...appreciate that. 好吧 谢谢
Thanks for the call. 谢谢您打电话来
Bye. 再见
Do you think the bank is telling people not to hire you? 是不是银行告诉大家别雇用你
They don't have to. People watch the news, 没这个必要 大家自己会看新闻
read the papers. 读报纸
Mom, you did not kill Wilden. You're innocent. 妈妈 威尔顿不是你杀的 你是清白的
Yeah, well people make a distinction 是啊 但在别人眼中
between "Innocent" And "Not guilty." "清白"和"无罪"还是有区别的
Don't worry. There are plenty of jobs 别担心 还有很多工作
that won't consider me a public-relations train wreck. 不会把我看作是会破坏公司声誉的人
Call your father. He wants an answer. 打电话给你爸爸 他需要一个答复
I'm not going with him and Isabelle. 我不会跟他和伊莎贝尔一起去的
It would be a lot of fun. 会很好玩的
Australia is a long ways away 去澳大利亚可以远离
from all that's been happening here. 这里发生的一切
Well, Isabelle thinks if she gets me below the equator, 伊莎贝尔认为她带我到南半球
I'll be freed from your influence. 我就能脱离你的影响
Not much chance of that. 那倒不太可能