Toby said the only thing that Shana was guilty of 托比说莎娜只做过一件坏事
was selling Jenna's car to Mona. 就是把詹娜的车卖给梦娜
And Cece's been busy running from the cops 而茜茜一直在躲避警方的通缉
'cause she killed Wilden. 因为她杀了威尔登
What about board shorts? 那短裤哥呢
We don't even know if that's a real person. 我们甚至不知道他是否存在
It was a real person who came after me in that house. 在那屋子里攻击我的人可是真实存在的
So Caleb didn't find anything in "A"'s apartment 鸦林镇A的公寓里
when he was in Ravenswood? 凯勒一无所获吗
Nothing. It was completely cleaned out. 是的 都清空了
Guys, I wonder if Ali reached out to anybody besides us. 姑娘们 不知道艾莉有没有找过我们以外的人
Such as? 比如说
Such as her brother. 比如她弟弟
Maybe we should be talking to Jason. 也许我们该跟杰森谈谈
No. W-we all agreed 不行 我们都知道
that it was too dangerous to tell anybody. 告诉别人太危险了
Whoever tried to kill Ali's still around. 想杀艾莉的人还在
Okay, but suppose Jason already knows she's still alive. 但如果杰森早就知道她还活着呢
At least then we wouldn't be the only ones in charge of a secret. 至少不是只有我们在背负这个秘密了
Okay, I've been thinking, and I have a theory. 我一直在思考 现在有了一个推测
You have what? 你有什
A theory. 推测
Do you want to hear it or not? 到底要不要听
Guys, don't-- don't fight in the crypt. 别在地下墓穴里吵架啊
Hey, look-- Ali's not in the box. 听着 艾莉不在那个盒子里
She's alive somewhere. 她还活着
But somebody is dead. 但肯定有人死了
At that somebody must have been buried in the back yard 那个人肯定就被埋在后院里
after Ali was pulled out 在艾莉被挖出来之后
but before the men came to set up the "gaze-boh" 工人去建"路台"
and pour the cement. - "Gazebo." 灌水泥之前 -是"露台"