But at this point, I would just be happy 这时候 如果有人能正式说出
if someone would officially say my mom 我妈妈不是自杀的
didn't kill herself. 我就会很高兴
Did you ever see that MythBusters 你有看过《流言终结者》吗
where they proved that a mouse can scare an elephant? 上面证明了一只老鼠就能吓倒大象
Okay, so, I talked this girl Tina-- 我和蒂娜聊过了
Well, on the computer, 在电脑上
and she wants to meet us. 她想见见我们
Us? 我们
All of us? 全部人吗
Yeah. As many "Us" As we can get. 对 有多少人算多少
I don't wanna do this alone. 我可不想自己去
Well, you should have thought about that before you hit "Send". 那你应该在点发送之前就考虑清楚
Em, what's the matter with you? 艾米 你怎么回事
There's nothing the matter with me. 我什么事都没有
Wait-- 等等
Have you forgotten that Ali's alive 你是不是忘了艾莉还活着
and she's counting on us 而且她还指望着我们
to make Rosewood safe for her to come back? 能让她回来安心回来玫瑰镇
That's right. Ali's alive. 对 艾莉还活着
She's been alive the whole time and didn't tell us. 她一直没死 而且没告诉我们
She talked to us but she never told us she was alive. 她和我们都联系过 却未提过她还活着
Hey, you're not the only one 从高三那年开始
who feels like she's been playing "Hide and seek" 又不是只有你一个人觉得她在玩
since junior year. 躲猫猫
Yeah. I mean, sometimes I imagine her 是 但有时候我会想象
wet and scared in a cardboard box 她全身湿透担惊受怕地躲在
by some train tracks. 某条铁轨旁的纸箱里
And, other times I see her in a penthouse, 但有时候我又会觉得她藏身阁楼
dripping diamonds and laughing at us. 把玩着钻石 嘲笑我们
But...we don't know 可是 实情如何
which one's the truth. 我们无从得知
None of us do. 没人知道
So we have to bring her back. 所以我们得尽力把她带回来