You're late. 你迟到了
Yeah, sorry. 是啊 抱歉
Hey, Han. 汉娜好
Gpscalculating distance to the Busy Bee Inn, 计算路程 去忙碌蜜蜂旅馆
Killingworth. 在基林沃思
Hey, did you guys hear the news? 你们看新闻了吗
We got it from Hanna. Cece's in Maryland. 是汉娜跟我们说的 茜茜在马里兰出现了
Haven't we found anything in the book about Cece? 那本书里有茜茜的信息吗
Not yet. Well, forget Cece, 还没有 先别管茜茜了
I want to know who put her on the payroll. Book, please. 我想知道是谁付钱给她的 把书给我
Thank you. 谢谢
How are you doing? 你怎么样
Great. 很好
I mean about Caleb. 我是指凯勒的事
So do I. 我说的就是他
Hey, where were you? When? 你去哪里了 什么时候
When I was at the brew and you weren't there. 我去咖啡店的时候你不在
I had to run an errand for my mom. 我去帮我妈办事了
I get that when you get carsick. 怪不得你会晕车
So sorry to bother you at home. 抱歉来家里打扰您
Must be important. 肯定有重要的事吧