Is Hanna here? 汉娜在家吗
No, she's out with friends. 不在 她跟朋友出去了
Oh. Well, I could come back. 那我找时间再来吧
Mr. Fitz, what's going on? 费兹老师 怎么了
Well, I was hoping to say this to the both of you, 我本来想跟你们两个人一起说的
but perhaps this is better. 但也许先跟你说更好
I made a mistake. 我之前犯了一个错误
I knew that Hanna was having a hard time here at home, 我知道汉娜家里有事
so I gave her an extension on her schoolwork. 所以我给她的作业延了期
But now we're at a place where 但是现在
if she doesn't hand in some of that schoolwork, 如果她再不交作业的话
she might fail the class. 她可能会挂科
I had no idea. 我不知道有这回事
I'm happy to stay with her after school, 我很乐意跟她一起留堂辅导
and a few hours every week could really help. 每周辅导几个小时就够了
But she could really stand 但我真的希望
to have some extra encouragement at home. 您在家里多鼓励鼓励她
Maybe we could set up a schedule. 我们可以安排下时间
Whatever I can do to help. 只要能帮上忙就行
I'm sorry, that's my new work phone, and-- 抱歉 那是我新工作的联系电话
Oh, please, go ahead. 您先接吧
This might take a minute. 可能需要几分钟时间
Oh, that's okay. I can entertain myself. 没关系 我自娱自乐就行
Dilaurentis properties. 迪劳伦提斯物业
Um, sure. 当然