Which unit are you in? 您是哪个单元的
What kind of leak? 什么泄露
Okay, um... 好的...
Okay, can you tell where the water's coming from? 好 您知道水是哪里冒出来的吗
I'm looking for it right now. Let's see... 我正在找 看看这个...
The second floor, unit b. Okay. B单元二楼 好的
Continue to exit 48. 继续行驶至48号出口
Okay, "Human cheat sheet" has gotta be Spencer, "人肉小抄"肯定是指斯宾塞
but who is "Suzy clueless"? 可"天真的苏茜"是谁
Let me see. 我看看
You know you do not get to throw up on me, right? 你知道你不能吐在我身上的对吧
Can you turn it down? 声音能小点吗
I thought this was a road trip. 这不是开车旅行呢
To find our no-longer-dead friend. This isn't spring break. 我们是去找未死的朋友 不是去春游
Ali's friend's dad is having an affair, 艾莉朋友的爸爸有外遇
but the girl Suzy clueless doesn't know. 但是天真的苏茜并不知情
Okay, well, eeny-meenie-miney-mo. 好吧 那个谁谁谁
It could have been any one of us. 可能是我们中的任何一个人
Oh. Mystery solved. It's me. 知道是谁了 是我
Why, what does it say? 怎么 上面怎么写的
"Despite her freakish pink hair dye, 尽管她染了诡异的粉色头发
I have always admired Suzy for her great sense of style." 我还是一直很敬佩她的时尚感
Huh. How touching. 说得好感人啊