I wish I could come home to this every night. 真希望我每天回家你都在
So you have fun with Curtis? 你和柯蒂斯玩得开心吗
Yeah, it was great catching up with him. 是啊 我们聊得很开心
You know, I'm starving. Do you want like pizza or something? 我饿了 你想吃披萨吗
Yeah, pizza sounds good. 好啊 披萨挺好的
Great. 那好
Did you come in on the last train? 你是赶最后一班车回来的吗
Yeah, I just made it. 是啊 刚好来得及
Uh, I'm gonna wash up. 我先去洗澡
Jake saw you today. 杰克今天见到你
Saw me where? 在哪里见到我的
Outside the Grille. 在栅格咖啡厅外
Said that you were talking to some woman. 说你在和某个女人说话
Actually, he used the word screaming. 其实他说的是 你当时在狂吼
Did you even go to Philadelphia? 你今天到底去没去费城
No. 没去
Who's the woman, Ezra? 那女人是谁 以斯拉
Maggie's lawyer. 是麦琪的律师
Maggie's lawyer? 麦琪的律师
Why were you meeting with her? 你为什么和她见面