Spence. 斯宾塞
Hanna, I'm sorry, I'm just... 汉娜 对不起 我刚
Hanna, come on. 汉娜 别这样
I know you were home yesterday. 我知道你昨天在家
I heard that stupid clock. Why are you ignoring me? 我听见了钟声 你干嘛不理我
I'm sorry, okay. 对不起 行吗
It was wrong of me. I just.. 是我的不对 我只是
- Whatever it is that you're... - It's nothing. -无论你是在做什么 -没什么
It doesn't look like nothing. 你看起来不像没什么事
It looks like you haven't been sleeping. 你看起来好几晚没睡了
I just really have a headache, okay. 我只是头很疼而已
And so and we were out of aspirin... 所以出来买点阿司匹林
And you're lying again. 你又在撒谎
I just saw you coming down that street, okay. 我看见你从那条街过来的
You did not go to the pharmacy. 你没去药房
I was just in there earlier. 我之前去过了
- God! Lying! - Hanna, would you back off me? -你撒谎 -汉娜 你能离我远点吗
Hey, you two always fight like that? 你们俩经常这样吵架吗
No, not really. 不 不常这样
I got the impression she was the levelheaded one. 在我的印象中她很聪明冷静
She usually is. 通常是这样
This is the last place I remember seeing it. 这是我记得最后看见它的地方
It was a stud in a white gold setting. 它有一个白金底衬的饰扣
I've dusted in here weekly since you and your mother left. 你跟你妈妈走之后 我每周都来打扫
I haven't come across a diamond earring. 我从没见过一个钻石耳环
I borrowed it from my mom without asking. 我没跟我妈妈说 就私自拿来了
Why don't I go check the guest bathroom? 那我去看看客房里有没有