Hello. 你好
Hi. I have a flower delivery. 你好 我是来送花的
Spencer, you shouldn't be here. 斯宾塞 你不该来这里的
Look, I don't want to fight. 我不想跟你吵架
- Are you on drugs? - What? No, I'm not. -你嗑药了吗 -什么 当然没有
You've got to be on crack if you think Ezra is "A." 如果你以为以斯拉是A 那你肯定是疯了
I went through your computer. 我看过你的电脑了
You should really use a password 如果你想保密的话
if you want to keep things private, 就该给电脑设个密码
especially when you're following some crazy theory. 尤其是你在追踪什么疯狂理论
Look, one of Alison's stories kept on sticking in my brain 艾莉森的一个故事在我脑海中挥之不去
and I finally figured it out 我终于弄明白了
and I went to "The Hart and Huntsman" 于是去了雄鹿和猎人酒吧
and Ezra was there and he was eating the pie. 发现以斯拉就在那里吃馅饼
Okay. You're not making sense. 这理由太不充分了
The pie and the beer, Hanna, from the story, okay. 馅饼和啤酒 汉娜 就是那个故事里的
It's called "Board Shorts Ale." 啤酒就叫"短裤啤酒"
And that's exactly what Fitz ordered when he was there. 费兹在酒吧点的就是那种啤酒
And don't you get it? 你还不明白吗
That's where Alison must have got the nickname. 艾莉森所说的绰号男一定这样来的
Everything's all jumbled up in Ali's stories. 艾莉的故事里什么都很混乱
What if you're connecting the wrong dots? 要是你把线索联系错了呢
Well, come inside. 那你就跟我一起进来
Either I prove it or I'm wrong. 证实一下 就知道了
Are you coming? 你要进来吗