If Ezra comes home and finds us here-- 要是以斯拉回家发现我们在这里
I've been watching the place all day. 我都监视这里一天了
He hasn't been in or out. 他没有进出过
I think he must be out of town. 他一定是出城了
What are we even looking for? 我们来到底要找什么
Primarily, a key. Move. 首先要找到钥匙 快点
I think Ezra may have rented that apartment in Ravenswood. 我觉得是以斯拉租了鸦林镇的那栋公寓
If I can find something that puts him there, 如果我能找到他去那里的理由
I'll have proof. 我就找到证据了
You're really serious about this, aren't you? 这件事你是认真的 对吧
Wait, let's just say that you're right. 等等 假设你是对的
If there's anything that ties him to Ravenswood, 如果有什么东西证明他跟鸦林镇有关
he's not keeping it here. 那他也不会放在这里
Walk away, Spencer. 快走开 斯宾塞
You know, you're probably right. 你说的可能是对
That was easy. 怎么突然这么听话了
I think we're being watched. 我们好像被监视了
Don't look. 不要到处看
Just follow my lead. 听我的行事
Yeah, I have not been sleeping well lately. 最近我睡眠一直不好
With all this stuff about Ezra in my head, 以斯拉的事一直萦绕在我脑海里