Where were you when I woke up? 我刚醒来的时候 你去哪里了
I forgot to lock the back door. 我忘记关后门了
Were you up late reading? 你看书看到很晚吗
Yeah, yeah, for a little bit. 对 是有点晚
What's wrong? Why couldn't you sleep? 怎么了 你怎么不睡觉
Are you worried about us? 你是在担心我们吗
I know that I was in a strange place earlier. 我知道之前我是有点奇怪
And you were right about this not working 你说得对 如果不坦诚相待的话
unless we tell the truth. 我们之间是不可能的
Hey, are you okay? 你没事吧
Yeah. 没事
I'm just really glad you stayed. 我真的很高兴你留下了
Me too. 我也是
Wait. He has a surveillance camera? 等等 他那里有监控摄像头吗
What if the building manager put it there? 可能是大楼管理人员安装的呢
It was hidden. 那个藏在暗处的
And most honest people put up a sign saying you're being recorded. 一般大家都会贴上警示 告诉你有监控
Who else do we know who likes to hide cameras 有谁喜欢在暗处放摄像头
and spy on people? 然后监视别人呢
But Mr. Fitz? 但是费兹老师
Mr. Fitz isn't... 费兹老师不...
You're saying that you think he's "A"? 你是说 你觉得他是A吗
I know. My head feels like it's full of hot ice cubes. 我知道 现在我的大脑里一片混乱