THERE IS NOTHING quite like a captive audience. When Sony, a Japanese electronics giant, reported its latest set of quarterly results on October 28th, the star performer was the firm’s video-gaming division, which makes the PlayStation line of consoles. Had it been a normal year, revenues would probably have been down, because Sony’s current model—the PlayStation 4—is coming to the end of its life. But in a year marked by lockdowns and working from home, gaming revenue instead grew by 11.5% year-on-year (and operating profits by 61%) as housebound consumers reached for their controllers.
“死忠粉”a captive audience
ADJ A captive audience is a group of people who are not free to leave a certain place and so have to watch or listen. A captive market is a group of people who cannot choose whether or where to buy things. (观众) 不能随意离开的; (市场) 被垄断的 [ADJ n]
We all performed action songs, sketches, and dances before a captive audience of parents and patrons.
日本电子巨头a Japanese electronics giant
索尼公布了最新季度业绩reported its latest set of quarterly results
表现最好的the star performer
电子游戏部门video-gaming division
换作是平常年头had it been a normal year
已进入它生命周期的尾声come to the end of its life
在一个到处封锁、居家办公的年头里in a year marked by lockdowns and working from home
困守家中的消费者housebound consumers
游戏收入gaming revenue
营业利润operating profits
THERE IS NOTHING quite like a captive audience. When Sony, a Japanese electronics giant, reported its latest set of quarterly results on October 28th, the star performer was the firm’s video-gaming division, which makes the PlayStation line of consoles. Had it been a normal year, revenues would probably have been down, because Sony’s current model—the PlayStation 4—is coming to the end of its life. But in a year marked by lockdowns and working from home, gaming revenue instead grew by 11.5% year-on-year (and operating profits by 61%) as housebound consumers reached for their controllers.
拥有一批“死忠粉”是再好不过的。10月28日,日本电子巨头索尼公布了最新季度业绩,旗下表现最好的是生产PlayStation系列游戏主机的电子游戏部门。换作是平常年头,收入可能会下降,因为索尼当前一代的游戏主机PlayStation 4已进入它生命周期的尾声。但在一个到处封锁、居家办公的年头里,困守家中的消费者打游戏寻乐,游戏收入反而同比增长了11.5%(营业利润上升了61%)。