可是,结婚后这十几年,最令我紧张的,却正是他的语言表达力――尤其他在讲台上时。每次,听他把一个生动的主题叙述得冗长拖沓、恹恹欲睡;或将一个可以深入的命题稀里糊涂,轻松带过,我都急得两眼干瞪,恨不得跳上台去替他讲。我尽量避开他的演讲,连1984的在美国爱荷华大学,他那场后来轰动海峡两岸、造成无比震撼文化反思的《丑陋的中国人》演讲。当时,我就不在场,原因是我对他的演讲一直抱着这样一种态度一个人丢人,比全家丢人好。 (摘自 张香华 《看,这个丑陋的中国人》)
However, for these past dozen years or so after our marriage, what actually makes me most nervous is rather his lack of linguistic expressiveness, especially when he lectures. Every time he talks about an interesting subject in his characteristically verbose and tedious manner or when he brings up a topic that is really worth going into but then merely lackadaisically says a few perfunctory words about it, I get so anxious that I wish I could jump onto the platform and speak for him. I try to avoid his public lectures. I was not even present at Iowa University in 1984 when he gave his sensational Ugly Chinaman lecture, which shocked both sides of the Taiwan Strait and gave rise to deep reflections on the Chinese culture. I was not there because my attitude toward his public lectures had always been that one member of the family losing face is better than him bringing humiliation upon the whole family.