教程:笔译技巧与经验  浏览:331  
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    在对外介绍中国的过程中,汉译英起着重要的作用。但我国目前的汉译英存在着许多重要的问 题。有的只做了表面词对词的翻译,而没有理解英文词在英语中所对应的意思;有的忽略了中 文简洁的特点,译成英文时没有补全中文中暗含的用意;还有的忽视了中英文文化上的差异, 生搬硬套,造成译文令人费解,甚至闹出笑话。因此,作者呼吁,在汉译英过程中,一定要注 意双向理解。理解是表达的前提和开端,表达是理解的目的和结果。理解包括对原文的理解和 对译文用词的理解。这对于汉译英尤其重要。透彻的理解和完美的表达都是相对的,不是绝对 的。只有完美地理解了原文所要表达的中心意义和作用,才能完美地在译文中表达出来,从而 达成双方的共同的理解。 作者还列举了对外宣传中的许多译例,详细分析了造成这一现象的原因。提出:要想实现尽可 能完美的表达,有时需加词,有时须减词,有时需改变词序,有时需改变句型,将原文的意思 准确、通顺、优美地用英语体现出来。这样,我们才能做得更好。 (来源:英语论坛http://bbs.englishcn.com)

    Abstract: In introducing China to foreign countries, the translation from Chinese into English plays an important role.Yet there always exist some problems. Some are word-for-word translation,without fully understanding the meaning of the counterpart in English;some neglet the brievity of Chinese, without compensating for the implied meaning of the Chinese language. Furthermore some even ignore the cultural difference between Chinese and English and translate literally and produce unreliable translations.Just based on all these, the author of this paper calls for the comprehension of both the original and the target languages. The author elaborates that comprehension is the prerequisite for and the beginning of expression while expression is the objective and outcome of comprehension.Comprehension of the original text and comprehension of the words to be used in translation are particularly important for translation from Chinese into English.Both thorough comprehension and perfect expression, however, are to be understood in relative and not absolute terms.Only when the original meaning and function are comprehended can they be expressed thoroughly and perfectly in the target language, thus mutual understanding can be achieved. The author also presents many examples in publicity to foreign countries and anlyzes the reasons and causes for all these. Then four ways are presented to get to a good translation:addition,reduction,change of the word order, and variation of sentence structure.In this way, we can make thigs better.

      上一篇:不能按照字面翻译的词组 下一篇:“关键时刻”的巧妙译法


