He had given me the impression of absolute rigidity, as though he had swallowed a poker.
The few sparse hollyhocks beneath the withered willows by the stream must have been planted by the country girls.
汉语中表示“推测”的概念通过词汇手段实现,如例16中“仿佛……似的”和例17中“该是……的吧”。英文中,相应的概念均以谓语动词虚拟语气(as though he) had swallowed和must have been planted的形式来表现。
a. If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants self-supporting, then the 500 million people will feel secure.
b. If agriculture is in good shape and the peasants are self-supporting, then the 500 million people will feel secure.
两种译文句式完全相同:原文第一、二小句并列在条件状语从句中,第三小句译作了主句。英语中有一个表达习惯,结构排比的语言单位中,一般都省略其词语相同的部分。译文a基于此,将peasants后的连系动词略去。这样处理就有了问题:第一部分If agriculture is in ...中,主语agriculture为第三人称单数,其后的连系动词为is。根据英语用法,peasants后省略的也应该是连系动词is,可这里作主语的peasants为复数,所以省略is的译文a违背了主谓一致的原则,不符合英语规范。译文b在peasants后增加与其数一致的连系动词are,避免了错误。
Thoughts ...
Are the fire in a stove,
The fire in a stove is the tree's shadow on the wall.
And the sound in the winter night.
该例与例18情况类似。译文遵照英文主谓一致的原则,第一行复数主语Thoughts后跟连系动词Are。第三行结构与第一、二行完全相同,但由于主语The fire (in a stove)是不可数单数名词,后面的连系动词改为is。第四行与第三行并列且共主语,结构也完全相同,主语The fire in a stove(汉语原文中已省去)连同其后的系动词is一同省略。