We`re following up on a major battle going on right now in a city of northern Iraq. On one side, international forces led by the Iraqi military and supported by U.S. troops. On the other, ISIS terrorists who took over the city of Mosul in 2014. This is ISIS`s last stronghold in Iraq, and a defeat there would be a major setback for the terrorists, though they still have territory in other parts of Iraq and in Syria.
Iraqi-led troops are fighting ISIS on the streets, in neighborhoods. They`re facing hidden explosives and car bombs.
And caught in a crossfire: thousands of civilians from Mosul and its surrounding towns. Some of them forced to stay through the ISIS occupation. Some of them used by ISIS as human shields. Many are trying to escape Mosul and the shelling and gun fire around their homes.
But as CNN`s Arwa Damon personally found out, it`s incredibly dangerous to move around the city for troops to find their way in or anyone trying to find their way out.
CNN记者Arwa Damon表示,无论是军队还是群众,在摩苏尔市内行走,找到出去的路都非常的危险。
The vehicle in front of us exploded. The vehicle behind us had already been targeted. We were actually physically pinned.
We`re following up on a major battle going on right now in a city of northern Iraq. On one side, international forces led by the Iraqi military and supported by U.S. troops. On the other, ISIS terrorists who took over the city of Mosul in 2014. This is ISIS`s last stronghold in Iraq, and a defeat there would be a major setback for the terrorists, though they still have territory in other parts of Iraq and in Syria.
Iraqi-led troops are fighting ISIS on the streets, in neighborhoods. They`re facing hidden explosives and car bombs.
And caught in a crossfire: thousands of civilians from Mosul and its surrounding towns. Some of them forced to stay through the ISIS occupation. Some of them used by ISIS as human shields. Many are trying to escape Mosul and the shelling and gun fire around their homes.
But as CNN`s Arwa Damon personally found out, it`s incredibly dangerous to move around the city for troops to find their way in or anyone trying to find their way out.
The vehicle in front of us exploded. The vehicle behind us had already been targeted. We were actually physically pinned.