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      Notification of Opening of L/C通知已开信用证


      Dear Sirs,

      Immediately on receipt of your telegram dated July 4 advising that the covering export license had been issued,we opened telegraphically L/C No.6002 for £ 1500 in the customary manner.

      Please see to it that shipment of this order is effected during this month,since punctual shipment is one of the important considerations in dealing with our market.

      As called for in our L/C,please mark all drums conspicuously with the shipping mark“xxx”and the word“PONISONOUS”.Your compliance in this respect will do much to facilitate our taking delivery of the goods on arrival.

      We should be glad if you could manage to arrange shipment by“Flying cloud”sailing on or about the 20th,and cable us your shipping advice immediately after the departure of the vessel.

      Cordially yours,

      上一篇:商务英语写作范文:信用证修改与展期 下一篇:商务英语写作范文:催开信用证

