In the troubled South American nation of Venezuela, a tale of two marches, one by women dressed in white shirts. They were part of the crowd of thousands in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas. The white color meant to call for peace and mourn the victims of the recent violence in the country.
在南非这个陷入困境的国家委内瑞拉, 发生两起游行,其中一项游行是女子们穿着白色的上衣. 成千上万的示威人群在委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯。白色意味着和平以及对最近暴力事件受害者的哀悼.
One demonstrator said their message was for the Venezuelan government, that the people didn`t want anymore, quote, repression, clashes, blood or injured. She called on government forces to stop shooting.
In another part of the capital -- red shirts, people marching in support of the government and its president, Nicolas Maduro, he blames those who opposed him of trying to stage a couple and he says they have the support of the U.S. Dozens of people have died in the country recently.
Some killed in demonstrations supporting or opposing the government, some in acts of vandalism that have taken place during the unrest.
The United Nations says the Venezuelan government`s heavy handed response and attempts to quiet the opposition have made the nation`s problems worst.
It`s seen its largest protest in years and its people`s financial struggles -- their ability to get food, medicine, groceries, diapers -- it`s all fuel for an unstable and unpredictable environment.
In the troubled South American nation of Venezuela, a tale of two marches, one by women dressed in white shirts. They were part of the crowd of thousands in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas. The white color meant to call for peace and mourn the victims of the recent violence in the country.
One demonstrator said their message was for the Venezuelan government, that the people didn`t want anymore, quote, repression, clashes, blood or injured. She called on government forces to stop shooting.
In another part of the capital -- red shirts, people marching in support of the government and its president, Nicolas Maduro, he blames those who opposed him of trying to stage a couple and he says they have the support of the U.S. Dozens of people have died in the country recently. Some killed in demonstrations supporting or opposing the government, some in acts of vandalism that have taken place during the unrest.
The United Nations says the Venezuelan government`s heavy handed response and attempts to quiet the opposition have made the nation`s problems worst.
It`s seen its largest protest in years and its people`s financial struggles -- their ability to get food, medicine, groceries, diapers -- it`s all fuel for an unstable and unpredictable environment.