An unexpected announcement yesterday afternoon from Washington, D.C. U.S. President Donald Trump fired James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
It`s very unusual for a president to fire the head of the FBI, though it has happened before.
In a letter to the FBI chief, President Trump wrote: While I greatly appreciate you informing me on three separate occasions that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you were not able to lead the bureau.
One thing that is under investigation, formerly lead by Director Comey, was whether members of the Trump campaign coordinated with alleged Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. President Trump has called that story phony, but critics say it was inappropriate for the president to fire Comey while that investigation is going on.
还有一件事情正在调查中,此事之前有局长科米负责,那就是特朗普竞选团队是否涉嫌和俄罗斯勾结干涉2016年美国大选.特朗普表示,这件事情是无中生有,但是批评人事表示, 此事正在调查时,开除科米,此举不妥.
Another reason why Comey was a controversial figure in the government, Democrats and Republicans have criticized how he handled controversies related to Hillary Clinton`s email use from when she was secretary of state. Critics say those controversies influenced last year`s election when she was the Democratic presidential nominee.
This story was developing last night. We`ll be following up on it as more news comes out.
An unexpected announcement yesterday afternoon from Washington, D.C. U.S. President Donald Trump fired James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
It`s very unusual for a president to fire the head of the FBI, though it has happened before.
In a letter to the FBI chief, President Trump wrote: While I greatly appreciate you informing me on three separate occasions that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you were not able to lead the bureau.
One thing that is under investigation, formerly lead by Director Comey, was whether members of the Trump campaign coordinated with alleged Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. President Trump has called that story phony, but critics say it was inappropriate for the president to fire Comey while that investigation is going on.
Another reason why Comey was a controversial figure in the government, Democrats and Republicans have criticized how he handled controversies related to Hillary Clinton`s email use from when she was secretary of state. Critics say those controversies influenced last year`s election when she was the Democratic presidential nominee.
This story was developing last night. We`ll be following up on it as more news comes out.