教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:98  
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    The Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, Missouri offered a summer course titled "Health Equity and Justice," which a medical and political advocacy group tells Fox News Digital is coupled with a controversial "Care of Transgender Patients" curriculum that promotes an "alarming" progressive gender agenda.


    Powerpoint presentation slides obtained by Fox News Digital show the school urging students in August to advocate for cross-sex hormones despite acknowledging the lack of evidence on its neural impact and admitting its effect on neural circuity is "unknown."


    In another slide discussing "health equity", a course claims that nutrition is tainted by racism. The slide contains a TikTok video explaining that the white doctor who first determined how many calories a day are needed in order to survive, Dr. Lionel Bradley Pett, "found out exactly what it took to keep the human body alive by starving native children to death."


    After the speaker in the TikTok video outlines experiments carried out in Canada, he concludes by saying, "And that’s how the deaths of indigenous children became today’s moment in White History. Happy Indigenous Heritage Month."


    A few slides later, the presentation claims that BMI (Body Mass Index) should stand for "badly mistaken idea" because "current BMIs are based on the imagined ‘ideal’ caucasian and do not consider a person’s gender or ethnicity." 


    "There is no disputing that individuals who have high body mass index (BMI) have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease,"  Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, told Fox News Digital. 


    "Trying to deny this well-established observation is counterproductive and unscientific. While there is no reason to discriminate against individuals who have high body mass index, it is equally important not to dismiss the significance of BMI concerns, especially in children. Providing interventions that educate children about healthy eating habits is crucial for their long-term well-being."


      上一篇:双语新闻:罢免动议让众议院处于“窒息状态” 下一篇:双语新闻:以色列-哈马斯在加沙的冲突升级,造成约500人死亡

