教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:43  
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    The two countries signed 18 bilateral cooperation documents in areas such as green development, aviation, agrifood, commerce and people-to-people exchanges after the two presidents' official talks at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Monday.
    They also issued four joint statements on the situation in the Middle East, artificial intelligence and global governance, partnership in the fields of biodiversity and oceans, and agricultural exchanges and cooperation.
    This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and France, with the latter being the first major Western country to establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level with China.
    Observers said that in an era in which mistrust often defines interactions between the West and China, the vibrant comprehensive strategic partnership between China and France stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that trust and collaboration are not only possible but essential for progress and prosperity.
    During their talks, the two presidents highlighted the countries' friendly relationship as well as the potential and prospects of cooperation. They pledged to step up the countries' cooperation in traditional areas such as aerospace, aviation and nuclear energy, expand collaboration in emerging areas such as green energy, smart manufacturing, biomedicine and AI, and jointly uphold multilateralism, the United Nations Charter and international law.
    Xi said that China is ready to maintain strategic communication with France, respect each other's core interests, unleash the great potential of mutually beneficial cooperation, and facilitate growth and balance in bilateral trade.
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