教程:2023年BBC新闻听力  浏览:659  
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    在我国,生态文明建设一直以来都是重要的发展战略。 “阳光开朗”大熊猫,晶莹剔透水晶兰,“微笑天使”长江江豚,以及圆头大爪的雪豹等罕见野生动植物频繁现身。他们重新成为了我国生态环境中的一员。从高原到湿地,从江河到山脉,从草原到湖泊,这些动植物的出现,写下了一笔笔令人瞩目的“实绩”,也证明了生态环境得到了改善。 铺开我们的保护生物图谱,可以看到我国保护生物多样性方面的投入和成效。这些措施不但促进了生态文明的建设,而且也为人类的健康和发展提供了保障。希望我们能够在今后的发展中,继续注重生态环保,未来将更加美好
    In our country, the construction of ecological civilization has always been an important development strategy. The "Sunshine Cheerful" giant panda, the crystal-clear Water Hyacinth, the "Smiling Angel" Yangtze River dolphin, and the round-headed and big-pawed snow leopard have frequently appeared as rare wildlife in China. They have become part of our country's ecological environment once again. From plateaus to wetlands, from rivers to mountains, from grasslands to lakes, the presence of these plants and animals has recorded remarkable achievements and also demonstrated improvements in the ecological environment. When we unfold our map of biodiversity conservation, we can see the efforts and effectiveness in protecting biodiversity in our country. These measures not only promote the construction of ecological civilization but also provide guarantees for human health and development. We hope that in future development, we can continue to prioritize ecological protection, creating a better future.
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