at the eleventh hour
【英文解析】the moment when it is almost,but not quite, too late to do something, avoid something etc.
【例句】① I thought I had lost out because I didn’t hear from the company after my interview. But at the eleventh hour, when I was packing to go back home, they called and said they wanted to hire me.起先我以为我已经失 去机会了,因为在面谈之后我一直没收到公司方面的 回音。但是直到我在整理行装准备回家的最后一刻, 他们才打电话来说想要廣用我。
② She was asked at the eleventh hour, to step in and direct the play.在最后时刻,她被请来导演这部戏。
【注释】源自《圣经?马太福音》心0第20章:天 国有个阔人想雇几个人到他的园子里干活,他从早上 五点就开始雇人,雇到最后一个人时已经是夜里很晚 了。干完活后付工钱,结果大早上来的和夜里来的都 得到了一枚银币。因此早来的人极为不满,早知如此, 还不如夜里十一点钟来呢,因为只要不超过十二点, 都能得到同样的报酬。从此eleventh hour就喻指挽回 局面的关键时刻。变体:eleventh-hour (decision) 最后关头的/最后一刻的(决定等)。