between Scylla and Charybdis
【英文解析】in a predicament in which avoidance of either of the two dangers means exposure to the other
【典型例句】① The boy was between Scylla and Charybdis— he had to go home and be whipped or stay in town all night and be picked up by the police.那孩子真是进退两 难,不是回家挨打就是留在镇上过夜被警察带走。
② He was between Scylla and Chaiybdis, for his company had betrayed him.他的同伴背叛了他,致使他腹背受敌。:
【注释】源自古希腊神话,斯库拉(Scylla)原是一个美丽 的仙女,为海神格劳科斯(Glaucus)所爱恋。女巫喀 耳刻(Circe)夺爱未成怀恨在心,趁斯库拉在泉水中 洗澡时,施魔术将她变成了丑恶的海妖。斯库拉海 妖居住在意大利和西西里之间墨西拿海峡(Sbtof Messina)的山崖石洞中。而与斯库拉遥相对峙的是克 里布迪斯(Charybdis)大旋涡。航行在墨西拿海峡的 船舶,绕过斯库拉海妖就可能陷进旋涡;要避开旋涡, 又害怕被海妖的毒牙咬死,真是左右两难。后来该习 语演变成为 between the rock and the whirlpool,再后来 又变成 了 between a rock and a hard place。