1. We have very big portions in the US, especially compared to China and other places in the world.
2. servings/portions 食物的量
3. fast food restaurant 快餐店
4. McDonald's is very famous. They have something called the 'supersize'. You can supersize your meal. 麦当劳(在这件事上)很有名。他们有个东西叫"超大份",你可以把你的食物都变成"超大份"的。
5. You can always get more, have a bigger serving, have a bigger portion if you want. 如果你愿意的话你总是能要更大份的食物。
6. public health 公众健康
7. obese 过度肥胖
8. bulk buying 大宗采购
9. fast food culture 快餐文化
10. Big Mac (麦当劳)巨无霸
11. People with lower incomes tend to eat more fast food. 收入比较低的人群都比较倾向于吃快餐。
12. fresh food 新鲜食材
13. frozen food / pre-prepared food / processed food 加工过的/冷冻食品
14. soda / cola / pop 汽水
15. tap water 自来水
16. filter 过滤器
17. unlimited refill 无限量续杯
18. Everyone in America is always worried about their health and their lifestyle, but a lot of times, you know, they live a very unhealthy lifestyle. It's very easy to do that.
19. In many ways, the way that people in China eat and consume food is a lot better than in the US.