When you forgot someone's name, how can you politely ask them? 如果你忘了一个人的名字,能怎么有礼貌地问他们?
How can you figure it out without asking them again? 不直接问,有技巧地印出来
Techniques: 技巧
An awkward situation: 尴尬的情况
I'm terribly sorry, but could you remind me what your name is again? 实在不好意思,你能再告诉我一下你叫什么名字吗?
不要只说Sorry, I don't remember your name.或者What's your name?
You gotta to seem very apologetic and sincere: 你一定要很诚恳地先道歉
It's my bad: 我的错
I'm sorry. This is really awkward, but could you remind me what your name is again? 实在对不起,实在太尴尬了,你叫什么名字?
I feel so bad. What's your name again? 我太不好意思了,你叫什么名字?
1) 承认都是你的错
I'm horrible/terrible/really bad with names: 说我就是记不起名字 (不是针对你)
Could you remind me what your name is again?
What's your name again?
I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name: 不好意思,我没听清你的名字
Could you put your number in my phone: 能输入你的电话吗?
Tactical: 有计谋的
Introduce the person to another friend: 把他介绍给另一个你认识的人
I don't think you two have met before. You should really meet: 你们应该不认识吧,你们认识一下
The key is to not get too involved. Let them introduce themselves: 关键是别插手太多,让他们自己说出名字
But this depends on whether there is another friend present or not: 这招取决于有没有另一个人的存在
How do you spell your name? 你的名字怎么拼?
But you need to be careful with this technique, because their name might be very straightforward: 不过这招也要当心,万一人家的名字超级简单,比如Tom...
You can also ask them for their business card: 也可以问他们要名片
I don't think I have your card: 我好像还没你名片
Could I have your WeChat: 我好想没加你微信
But many people's WeChat id has nothing to do with their names: 不过很多人的微信id跟他们自己的名字毫无关系
Have you ever hung out with someone for weeks and not remember their name? 你有没有跟一个人认识了好久,但始终记不住他们的名字?
Yes, but that didn't stop us from having good conversations: 有,但这丝毫不妨碍我们交朋友
Yeah, I just let it slip since I don't address people by their names anyway: 我也是,我通常就随它去了,反正我平时也不太用名字称呼朋友
I just say "Hey bro" "Hi there" "What's up":我碰到朋友都说“"Hey bro" "What's up"
I feel like I've dragged this out for too long and it'll be too weird to ask their name at that point: 我会觉得已经拖了那么久了,现在再问他们的名字,反而更尴尬
This is embarrassing: 尴尬
Ask a mutual friend what their name is: 如果你们有个共同的朋友, 就问他啊
But you don't want them to spill the beans and tell the other person that you don't remember their name: 但是万一他告密, 跟那个人说你连他名字都不记得
Spill the beans: 告密、泄密
Honesty is the best policy: 诚实还是最好的政策
Come clean, be sincere and apologetic: 老实承认、诚恳就好
I'm bad with names but I'm good with faces: 虽然我记不住名字,但我特别记得住脸