美国文化脱口秀 第330期:美国有剩女和相亲角吗?
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    Leftover women: 剩女

    Leftover: 剩下的、没人要的

    Leftover food:剩菜

    Matchmaking corner: 相亲角

    不过英语里并没有"left women"这个说法,是从中文里翻译过去的


    Single lady/single woman: 单身女性,但这两个词听起来充满了独立、自信

    Spinster: 老姑娘,这是几十年前才会用的词


    The social pressure of getting married: 结婚的压力

    Does the idea of a leftover woman exist in the US? 美国有剩女这种概念吗?

    Is it a thing in the States? 这个美国存在吗?

    It's different than in China and it depends more on the individual woman and her family background:美国的情况跟中国很不同。在美国,压力跟多取决于女生本身的家庭背景

    For example, I come from a conservative background. So I got a little bit more pressure to get married: 比如说,我自己的家庭很保守,所以我在这方面会面临更大的压力

    But there's less societal pressure as a whole to label women as "leftover women": 但社会不会给你贴“剩女”的标签

    Religion also plays a key role: 宗教也是一个重要因素

    I've got a Mormon friend. In his faith, people get married in their early 20's: 我有个摩门教的朋友,他说摩门教徒一般20出头就结婚了



    Pressure you or force you to get married: 逼婚

    I don't think they can really force us to get married: 不过父母也没办法真逼你结婚


    Parallel wave of the rise of the single independent women in America and China: 中美同时经历单身独立女性的崛起

    The percentage of single women in both countries is at its historic high:两国未婚女性的比例都是历史上最高的

    Women are not staying single to prove a point about equality: 女性不结婚并不是要刻意证明平等

    Women are living fulfilled personal and professional lives and enjoy romantic relationships without being married: 虽然没结婚,但她们能过充实的个人生活、有事业、也有爱情

    It's a global phenomenon: 这是个全球现象

    相亲角: 外国人眼中的中国景点

    Matchmaking corner: 相亲角

    Foreigners see it as a tourist attraction: 外国人把上海的人民公园相亲角当作景点

    They've never seen something like this in the States: 在美国,基本没有相亲角这样的东西

    Parents go to matchmaking corners to advertize for their children: 父母去相亲角给自己的孩子打广告


    Set you up someone: 给你介绍、撮合

    To be set up with someone: 被介绍、被撮合

    A blind date: 两个互不认识的人经人撮合后初次见面

    Matchingmaking: 相亲,但这个词更多形容父母帮你介绍


    Marriage material: 适合结婚的对象,多指工作稳定、有房有车这类物质条件

    It's more common for friends to set you up with someone in the States: 美国,基本上朋友帮你介绍

    It's much less common for parents to set you up with someone: 父母不太参与给孩子介绍对象

    We don't necessarily feel our parents know who will be best for us, but we have the idea of filial piety: 中国人也不一定觉得父母了解我们想要的,但是要尊崇孝道

    It's your duty to obey your parents: 服从父母是做子女的责任


    The average marriage age of American women is 27: 美国女性平均结婚年龄是27岁

    It's pretty young: 还挺年轻的

    But there's a lot of regional differences when it comes to that: 但是结婚年龄有很多地域差异

    The marriage age:适婚年龄


    Fling: 随意的、不太认真的感情

    Serious relationship: 认真的感情

    The anxiety still kicks in for American women after a certain age: 美国女生到了一定年纪也会感到焦虑

    Biological reason: 大概出于生理原因

    The biological clock is ticking: "生理钟在转"。这是英语里的一个固定说法,指女性到了一定年纪会感到生育的焦虑

    But American women feel the anxiety later than Chinese women: 但是美国女性感到焦虑的年纪要比中国女生晚

    It's not in their 20's. It's generally in their late 30's: 20多岁不会焦虑,30岁以后,临近40岁才会

    30 is a huge threshold for a lot of Chinese women: 中国女生觉得30岁是个槛

    It's like an expiration day: 就像过期日期


    Settle: 将就

    Settle and get married: 将就而结婚

    Don't settle. It's your life: 不要将就, 这是你的人生

      上一篇:美国文化脱口秀 第329期:美国老百姓很傻很单纯? 下一篇:美国文化脱口秀 第331期:Friendship和船有什么关系?


