It's such a big, broad topic: 这个话题很大You don't want generalize too much, but there're some generalizations which could be made about American people: 我们不想过分概括,但美国人的确有些共同点可以总结分享Today, we'll go over some hallmarks of American culture and American people: 今天我们来说说美国文化和美国人的一些标志性特点美国人特点一:松弛、随和
Overall, American people are pretty relaxed: 总的来说,美国人很随和、松弛Of course, we've got uptight people too: 但当然也有美国人很一板一眼easygoing: (形容人)随和,好相处
Stereotypes among Americans are that people from the west coast, for example Californians, are more relaxed and slow-paced: 美国人自己觉得西岸的人,比如加州人,比较放松,节奏比较慢People on the east coast are a little more fast-paced: 东岸的人生活节奏比较快hustle and bustle: 忙碌喧嚣
称呼:美国人更习惯用first name(名字)相称, 不太用title(头衔)在中国,我们习惯用头衔来称呼人,比如"某某总"、“某某老师"。 但是美国人,除非是正式场合或者对方级别特别高,一般都直接用first name(名字)相称。
正式场合: 称谓 + 姓名 (例如Mr. Jackson)
非正式场合: 名 (例如Jack)
注意1:Mr. 或者Mrs, Ms后面用姓,不要用first name. 比如Mr. Peter, 听起来非常奇怪。
注意2:美国人不用职业头衔相称,除非是政府官员。比如中文里,某某总,美国人不会说“General Manager/Managing Director某某",一般都直接用first name;叫老师,也不会说"teacher某某"。中小学生在学校会用"Mr./Mrs./Ms.+老师的姓”。大学生称呼教授会用Professor+姓。不过如果是每天见面、比较熟的教授,也都用first name。
Even for many who are senior within the organization, they might still ask you to call them by their first names if the occasion is not too formal: 在公司里,如果不是特别正式的场合,许多高层管理还是会让员工直接用他们的名字称呼Generally, in school, you call your teachers by “title + last name”, for example Mr. Richards: 学校里学生叫老师一般还是会用“称谓+姓”,比如“Mr. Richards”
At work, a lot of people prefer being called by their first names: 工作场合,很多人喜欢别人用他们的名来称呼他们We're on a first-name basis: 我们都直接叫对方的名字 (表示比较熟)怎么和美国人打交道
第一次见面最好谨慎一些用尊称。但是很多美国人会说“Just call me...(first name)"In America, when you first meet someone very senior for the first time, address them as “Mr./Mrs./Ms.+ last name” to show respect: 在美国,如果是初次见到对方职位比你高货资历高的人,还是应该用Mr./Mrs./Ms.+姓氏来称呼对方,以示尊重Americans are relaxed, but they certainly value politeness: 虽然美国人很松弛,但是他们还是非常看重礼仪、礼貌的Mrs.和Ms.怎么用?
Humor is a big part of American culture: 幽默是美国文化中很重要的一个部分Many of President Obama's speeches, except for ones that are extremely formal, actually have a lot of humor in them: 除了极为正式的演讲,奥巴马总统的许多演讲其实都挺幽默的A lot of the times, you want to lighten things up a bit: (演讲人)常常希望气氛能轻松一点Free spirit and creativity are valued in American culture: 美国文化非常重视自由和创造力跟美国人开玩笑,也得注意一个度
It's one thing to understand it; it's another thing to do it well yourself: 听得懂美式幽默是一回事,要运用自如又是另一回事It takes years of practice to do it appropriately: 要掌握、恰当运用美式幽默,还得要多年的积累to feel out your crowd: 要分清楚场合,弄清听众是什么样的人放松只是美国人的一面,职场上美国人很拼
It doesn't mean you can just goof around or joke around all the time: 和美国人打交道,绝对不是一味地放松随意Americans respect hard workers and independent, strong thinkers: 美国人工作拼、很有自己想法的人Americans value hard work, being dependable and problem-solving attitude : 美国人在职场上还是很拼的,工作的时候靠谱、有解决问题的态度非常重要平时别端着、该出手时就出手
Americans also don't tend to take themselves too seriously, yet know how to be serious when they need to be: 美国人不喜欢端着、觉得自己很了不起的人,但是需要严肃的时候,他们的态度绝对一丝不苟We appreciate those who have poise under pressure: 沉着镇定,从容不迫的人,会受人敬重Some people are very casual when you're just hanging out with them, but they have veryhigh standards of professionalism when it comes to work: 有些美国人平时嘻嘻哈哈,但涉及工作的问题上非常严谨、专业度很高、说一不二美国人着装:平时超休闲、重要场合很正式
美国老百姓穿衣服,平时大多很休闲。但是遇到一些固定场合,比如工作面试、见客户、甚至去好一点的餐厅吃饭,他们还是会精心打扮、respect the occassion (尊重场合)。
Americans tend to dress very casually in everyday life: 美国人平时穿着很休闲T-shirt, jeans, sneakers: T-shirt, 牛仔裤、球鞋But they certainly dress up if the occassion calls for it: 但是碰到必要的场合,他们绝对会打扮正式It might be a job interview, a client meeting or going to see a performance or to eat at a high-end restaurant: 比如说去参加面试、见客户、或者看演出、去高级餐厅总结概括
In a nut shell in everyday dealings, Americans are very down-to-earth: 今天说了那么多,总结一下,日常生活中美国人普遍放松、朴实But they respect traditions, respect others and respect occassions: 但是他们会尊重传统、尊重他人、尊重场合