美国文化脱口秀 第381期:美国人的分手和离婚
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    Lots of high-profile celebrities are breaking up recently: 最近不少有名的明星闹分手、闹离婚

    Millions of Chinese people are following Wang Baoqiang's divorce drama unfold: 中国好多人都在追王宝强的离婚大戏发展

    It's unfortunate since so many Olympian athletes are currently pouring out their blood, sweat and tears in Rio: 其实挺悲哀的,运动员在里约奥运拼搏自己的血泪汗水,但媒体都是王宝强的事儿



    nasty breakup: 两败俱伤的分手

    ugly breakup: 闹得很不好看、丑陋的分手


    amicable breakup: 和平分手


    Breakup, split up: 分手、分开

    You can use these 2 words for both married and unmarried couples: 这两个词无论恋爱分手、还是离婚,都可以用

    Divorce: 离婚

    When couples are separated, it means they're still legally married but living apart from each other: 结婚的人分居,虽然法律上还是夫妻,但是事实上已经分居

    Some people work it out during this period of separation: 有些人分开的这段时间,可以解决、化解矛盾

    They've worked it out/worked things out: 解决、化解矛盾

    If they can't work it out, they'll file for divorce: 如果不行,就提出离婚


    Wang Baoqiang is accusing his wife of cheating on him with his agent: 王宝强控诉太太和经纪人出轨、外遇

    cheating on someone: 欺骗另一半,指出轨、有外遇

    (cheating on a test): 考试作弊


    unfaithful: 不忠

    someone is caught cheating: 被捉奸

    gossipy: 很八卦

    各执一词,He said/she said

    It's a "he said she said" situation/it's all "he said she said" : 男女双方各执一词

    No one knows what goes on in a marriage and no one will ever know: 婚姻的事,外人怎么搞得清?


    美国人最关心的明星离婚: Johnny Depp

    美国近来也有一对明星离婚闹得沸沸扬扬。就是大明星,《加勒比海盗》系列男主Johnny Depp和小自己十几岁的明星嫩妻Amber Heard。女方控诉男方家暴,男方也控诉女方各种不是。

    Johnny Depp and his young wife, Amber Heard, are going through a nasty divorce: Johnny Depp和嫩妻Amber Heard离婚也闹得很凶

    She's accusing him of domestic abuse/domestic violence: 女方控诉男方家暴

    One meaning of domestic is within the country: 说到航班,domestic有一个意思是国内,例如domestic flights, 国内航班

    Domestic can also mean within a marriage or home: domestic还有个意思是家庭内部的

    domestic abuse/domestic violence:家庭暴力

    domestic abuser or abuser: 实施家暴那方

    It's inexcusable: 这是不可饶恕的

    wifebeater: 打老婆的男人 (口语)


    It comes from the stereotype that this is the kind of clothes that a wifebeater wears: 这来自于一种偏见,打老婆的人会穿这种背心

    But it's not a very nice word in everyday use: 这个词不太适合日常形容背心时用

    友好分手: On good terms


    leave on good terms: 分开时,还挺友好,

    break up on good terms: 同上

    We're still on good terms: 我们现在关系还不错

    mutual decision, mutual breakup: 分手是双方一致的决定


    Gossip magazines: 八卦杂志

    paparazzi: 狗仔

    TMZ is a huge paparazzi machine in the US: TMZ是美国最有名(或臭名昭著)的八卦机器

    Leak info: 爆料

    A video was leaked to TMZ of Johnny Depp throwing a tantrum in front of his wife at home: 有人向TMZ泄露了德普在家对老婆大发雷霆的视频

    摩登家庭: Uncouple, Coparent

    不是所有分手、离婚都闹得鸡飞狗跳,奥斯卡影后Gwenyth Paltrow和Cold Play主唱Chris Martin的离婚就被视为典范。两人的声明还造就了英语金句。

    Gwenyth Paltrow and Chris Martin issued a joint statement that stated, "We consciouslyuncouple, but we coparent": Gwenyth Paltrow和Chris Martin分开时发的联合声明其中说到”我们深思熟虑后选择分开,但还要一起做父母养育孩子”

    Many people laughed at their choice of words, but it's a good attitude: 虽然很多人觉得他们的用词太矫情,但是态度却值得称赞

    有couple, 还有uncouple

    uncouple, decouple (动词): 分开,不再是一对

    to parent (动词): 抚养孩子、尽父母的责任

    parent is both a noun and a verb: parent既是名词也是动词

    To coparent is to work to raise your children together despite being divorced: coparent就是即使离婚了、分开了,还是要一起做父母


      上一篇:美国文化脱口秀 第380期:英语量词你会用吗? 下一篇:美国文化脱口秀 第382期:郎平 让美国人也敬佩!


