19.1 主语表示法
19.1.1 主语表示法
1) 名词:
Another rocket is going to be launched next week. 下周将发射一枚新的火箭。
Are there other universes outside our own? 我们的宇宙之外还有别的宇宙吗?
2) 代词:
Who's on the phone? 谁来电话?
Nobody knows the answer. 没人知道答案是什么。
3) 数词:
Two-thirds of them are college students. 他们中间三分之二是大学生。
First went to the Chinese team. 第一名由中国队获得。
4) 动名词:
Reading French is easier than speaking it. 阅读法语比讲法语容易。
There's no knowing how long he'll be away. 没法知道他将离开多久。
5) 不定式:
To compromise appears advisable. 妥协可能是明智的。
It is an offence to drop litter in the street. 在街上乱扔杂物是犯禁的。
6) 词组:
To each according to his work is a socialist principle. 按劳分配是社会主义的一个原则。
Safety First is our slogan.“安全第?”是我们的口号。
7) 从句:
What she saw gave her a little fright. 她看到的情况使她有点吃惊。
Why he did it will remain a puzzle forever. 他为什么这样做将永远是个谜。
8) 名词化的其他词类:
A is the first letter of the English alphabet. A是英语字母的第一个。
The well-to-do had their cares also. 富裕的人也有他们的烦恼。
Slowly is exactly how he speaks. 他说话就是慢吞吞的。
Out on the lake will be all right. 到湖上玩玩倒不错。
Between 8 and 9 will suit me. 8点到9点之间对我合适。
19.1.2 动名词作主语
1) 动名词可直接作主语:
Dancing bored him. 跳舞使他厌烦。
Putting in a new window will involve cutting away part of the roof. 安一个新窗户得拆掉一部分房顶。
Keeping hens is her hobby. 养鸡是她的爱好。
Thus rowing is a sport. 因此划船是一种运动。
Going to the movies is a popular pastime. 看电影是一种大众化的消遣。
Being lost can be a terrifying experience. 迷路有时是很可怕的。
Slow cooking make tougher meat tender. 慢火可以把较老的肉炖烂。
Not being punctual makes him unreliable. 不准时使他变得不可靠。
2) 有时,动名词前可以有一代词或名词所有格表示其逻辑上的主语:
Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us. 他们来支援对我们是很大的鼓舞。
Mary's grumbling annoyed him. 玛丽的嘟嘟囔囔使他厌烦。
Rose's going won't be of much help. 罗丝去不会有多大帮助。
The reading of the will took place in the lawyer's office. 遗嘱是在律师事务所宣读的。
A ringing of bells marks the end of the old year. 一阵钟声标志着旧年的结束。
3) 有时可用先行词it作形式主语,而把作主语的动名词放到后面去:
It's no use asking me. 问我没用。
Is it any good trying? 试一试有好处吗?
It doesn't matter throwing that away. 把它扔掉没有关系。
It's a waste of time your talking to him. 你和他谈是白费时间。