21.2 复合宾语
21.2.1 复合宾语的类型
1) 名词(代词)+形容词
The pot calls the kettle black. (谚)五十步笑百步。
I've never known (seen) you so cheerful. 我从未看见你这样高兴过。
2) 名词(代词) +名词
He nominated Coy Ambassador to France. 他任命科伊为驻法大使。
Don't be formal. Call me Jim. 别太拘礼,叫我吉姆好了。
3) 名词(代词) + 不定式
Tell them to hurry up. 让他们赶快。
What made you think so? 什么使你这样想的?
4) 名词(代词) + 分词
I heard a nightingale singing in the wood. 我听见一只夜莺在林中歌唱。
You must have your lungs X-rayed. 你必须把肺部透视一下。
5) 名词(代词)+介词短语或副词
I found him in excellent spirits. 我发现他情绪好极了。
I'm pleased to see you back. 看到你回来了,我很高兴。
21.2.2 第一类复合宾语——名词(代词)+形容词
Have I made myself clear? 我的意思讲清楚了吗?
That kept her warm. 这使她身子很暖和。
The accused man declared himself innocent. 被告宣称自己是无辜的。
He shouted himself hoarse. 他把声音都喊哑了。
Then he will hold you responsible for it. 那样他就会要你来对它负责。
21.2.3 第二类复合宾语——名词(代词)+名词
I find her a very sensible woman. 我发现她是个很有头脑的女子。
They considered Paris the heart of France. 他们认为巴黎是法国的心脏。
She counted herself a fortunate wife. 她认为自己是个幸运的妻子。
They dubbed him a traitor. 他们叫他叛徒。
He entitled the book Crime and Punishment. 他给这书题名为《罪与罚》。
21.2.4 第三类复合宾语——名词(代词)+不定式
1) 跟这类复合结构的动词很多:
He strongly advised her not to do so. 他使劲劝她不要这样做。
She asked me to get in touch with him. 她要我和他联系。
He instructed Sophia to remain where she was. 他嘱咐索菲娅留在原处。
Permit me to introduce myself. 请允许我介绍一下自己。
They urge me to write a play for children. 他们催我写一个儿童剧。
You know I wish you to be happy, don't you? 你知道我是愿意你幸福的,是吧?
2) 在某些动词后,这类不定式只限于动词be (a),但其他动词的完成式和进行式有时也可以用(b):
a.They considered him to be a selfish man. 他们认为他是个自私的人。
They believed these principles to be universally true. 他们相信这些原则是放之四海而皆准的。
I know this to be a fact. 我知道这是事实。
All the neighbours supposed her to be a widow. 所有邻居都以为她是寡妇。
We discovered her to be a good cook. 我们发现她很会做饭。
We have shown the story to be false. 我们已表明这个报导是虚假的。
b.I consider him to have acted disgracefully. 我认为他的行为很可耻。
I believe her to have done right. 我相信她做得对。
They know the man to have been a spy. 他们知道这人当过间谍。
They suppose man to have descended from animals. 他们认为人是由动物进化而来的。
They suspected him to be dying. 他们猜想他已命在旦夕。
We thought him to be hiding in the woods. 我们以为他躲在树林里。
3) 有少数动词后面的复合宾语包含一个不带to的不定式:
What makes you think so? 什么使你这样想?
Don't forget to have him come. 别忘了让他来。
Delighted to hear you say that. 很高兴听你这样说。
For an instant I saw his face go pale. 一时间我看见他脸色变得苍白。
I watched him get into his jacket. 我瞧着他穿上上衣。
They felt the atmosphere grow tense. 他们感到气氛变得紧张起来。
4) 个别成语动词后也可以跟这类复合宾语:
He called on Tom to answer the question. 他叫汤姆回答这个问题。
I am counting on you to help me through. 我指望你帮助我度过难关。
She motioned to me to be silent. 她对我做手势要我别说话。
He pleaded with me to go back. 他恳求我回去。
They prevailed upon me to remain a little longer. 他们劝我再稍微多待一会儿。
We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等雨停下来。
21.2.5 第四类复合宾语——名词(代词)+分词
1) 有不少动词后面可跟由现在分词构成的复合宾语:
The teacher caught a boy cheating. 老师发现一个男生(考试)作弊。
I could feel the wind blowing on my face. 我能感觉到风吹着我的脸。
I tried to keep things going by a little teaching. 我设法教点书来维持生活。
His question has set me thinking. 他的问题让我深思。
They left me sitting alone there. 他们丢下我一个人坐在那里。
They watched the sun setting behind the trees. 他们瞧着太阳在树后徐徐西沉。
2) 也有不少复合宾语由过去分词构成:
You should make your views known. 你应当让人了解你的看法。
You'll have to get that tooth filled. 你得把那颗牙(请医生)补一补。
She's having her eyes tested. 她正在验光。
Rarely had I seen him so worked-up. 我很少见他这样激动过。
We want the work finished by Saturday. 我们希望这工作在星期六以前完成。
He felt himself powerfully attracted by the idea. 他感到自己受到这想法的强烈吸引。
21.2.6 第五类复合宾语——名词(代词)+介词短语或副词
a.Make yourselves at home, everybody. 大家请随便一点。
They found her already in the hands of a doctor. 他们发现她已有医生照顾。
He held the others in contempt. 他对别人都看不起。
Please ask her into the dinner-room. 请让她到餐厅来。
His jokes set the whole room in uproar. 他的笑话引起哄堂大笑。
I know you'll be able to help me out of the difficulty. 我知道你能帮助我克服困难。
b.We went to her house but found her out. 我们去她家,但发现她外出了。
You'dbetter ask her round here. 你最好请她到这里来。
We're having some friends in tonight. 今晚我们要请些朋友来家里。
We must help forward every project we can. 我们必须尽力帮助促进每一个计划。
Let's turn the TV on (off). 咱们把电视机打开(关上)。
He knew how to put his ideas across. 他知道怎样把他的意思讲清楚。