24.3 宾语的位置
24.3.1 宾语通常的位置
1) 宾语通常跟在谓语后面:
They are touring Europe. 他们在游览欧洲。
He wrote his first novel at 17. 他十七岁写出了自己的第一本小说。
2) 但在下面情况(如宾语由疑问词表示或修饰等)宾语要放在主语前面:
Who are you talking to? 你在和谁讲话?
How many pages have you read? 你看了多少页?
Here is the man whom you want to see. 这就是你想见的人。
What she said impressed me deeply. 她说的话给我留下了深刻印象。
Whatever she did was right. 她做的一切都是对的。
3) 在有两个宾语时,一般间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后:
He handed me those two parcels. 他把那两个包裹递给了我。
Show us your papers. 把证件拿给我们看看。
I'll find you something to do. 我给你找点事做。
She sent me a birthday card. 她寄给我一张生日贺卡。
24.3.2 一些宾语提前的情况
1) 当一个宾语需要强调时,有时可以提前:
This I hope you'll keep in mind. 这一点我希望你记在心里。
We can't afford it. That I know. 我们买不起,这一点我是知道的。
These two letters I'dlike to send by ordinary mail, and this one by registered mail. 这两封寄平信,这一封寄挂号。
All this we must take fully into account. 这一切我们必须充分考虑。
2) 有些宾语从句,如果需要强调,也可以提到主语前面:
What I'm going to do next, I don't quite know. 下一步该怎么办我还不太清楚。
What he has once heard, he never forgets. 凡是他听过一次的话,他再也不会忘记。
Whether it is a defect or not I don't quite know. 它是否是缺点我不十分清楚。
That she is a good girl I know. 她是个好姑娘我是知道的。
Whatever he does he does well. 他做什么事都很好。
24.3.3 一些其他情况
1) 当宾语(加上它的修饰语)较长时,我们常把状语放在它前面以保持句子的平衡:
Here I wish to extend to you our warmest welcome. 这里我愿向你表示我们最热忱的欢迎。
These programmes do much to bring home to people the serious risks of smoking. 这些节目在让人们认识吸烟的危害方面起到很大作用。
She has translated into English a novel by Lao She. 她把老舍的一本小说译成了英文。
He declared to Jenny that the trees were in a dreadful condition. 他向珍妮表明那些树状态很糟糕。
She announced at the meeting that she was going to resign. 她在会上宣布她准备辞职。
2) 有时宾语的补语可以移到宾语前面:
They found sitting on the bed a man dressed like a worker. 他们发现一个工人装束的男子坐在床上。
They found half hidden among the rocks a plant which they had never seen before. 他们发现一株从未见过的植物半隐半现在岩石中间。
Many people consider impossible what really is possible. 许多人把实际上可以做到的事认为不可能。
She must have seen spring up before her a new hope. 她一定是看见面前出现了新希望。
3) 由“及物动词+副?”构成的成语动词,后面的宾语可以有两个位置:
宾语一般在成语动词后面 宾语较短也可放在副词前面
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Put on your coat. Put it (your coat) on.
Hand in your (exercise) books. Hand them in, please.
Write down your names here. Write everything (it) down here.
Shall I turn on the lights? Shall I turn the lights (them) on?