时间和空间 Time and Space
时间 Time
常用句型 Useful Sentences
1.I have lunch every day from 12 to 1 o'clock.我每天中午12点到下午1点吃午饭。
2.The sales promotion will start next Monday morning at 8 a.m.and last allweek.降价促销活动将于下星期一早上8点钟开始,并持续一周。
3.This company was founded exactly 30 years ago today.这家公司是30年前的今天创立的。
4.My job interview is this Friday afternoon at 2:30.我的工作面试定于本周五下午两点半。
5.Ok, I will see you in a fortnight at the conference.好的,咱们两星期后开会时再见。
6.Next Tuesday I will be transferred to the Sales desk for 6 months.下周二起我将要调到销售柜台去工作6个月。
7.Yesterday was the deadline for the half-yearly accounts.昨天是半年度账的最后期限。
8.We shall purchase the new offices next February and hopefully we canmove in by the end of June.明年2月,我们将要购置新的办公室,那么,如果顺利的话,明年6月底之前我们就能搬进去了。
9.I will start my new job in a week on Monday.我将于一周后(下周一)开始我的新工作。
10.This coming Friday I have appointments all afternoon until 6 p.m.本周五下午6点之前我的预约都排满了。
经典范文 Model
Subject:Sales promotion
Dear Sales staff,
The sales promotion will start next Monday morning at 8 a. m.and last all week.Could you make sure that you are at your desks early ready to begin calling old and new customers?I know that some of you will be visiting clients, supermarkets and stores everyday to promote our products.Please ensure that all additional brochures have been received by the end of this week and that all sales are passed on to H.Q.at the end of each day.
Thank you all for the hard work which you have put in so far which I know will lead to our best sales promotion ever.
Keep up the good work!
Richard Ming
Sales Director