教程:《老外来了》双语脱口秀  浏览:337  
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    主播:翩翩(中国)+ 卫普(澳大利亚)


    教绘本It Looked Like Spilt Milk时,棕色皮肤的卫普,举例说:

    “I look like chocolate but I am not a chocolate.” 我看着像巧克力,但我不是巧克力。


    让人想起,最近的世界大事件——Black Lives Matter,今天,就和卫普一起聊一聊这一trending issue(热点话题),以及个人的亲身经历。

    1.美国“Black Lives Matter”(黑人的命也是命)抗议运动,澳大利亚怎么看?

    * 这件事成为新闻(bring this issue to light)是一个遗憾(shame)。

    The Australian media澳洲媒体:

    is very similar to American media 与美国报道的一样

    just recycle the same thing the American media is saying 只是重复美国媒体的报道

    put a lot of blame on Trump 把罪责推到特朗普身上

    * recycle v. 循环使用

    * blame n. 责备,责任

    2.Is there any protest in Australia now? 澳大利亚也抗议吗?

    In America, this event is still going worse(持续发酵). 然而在澳大利亚,抗议的情况比美国好太多,因为:

    Australia is much better than America in terms of quality of life

    在生活质量(quality of life)方面,澳大利亚比美国好很多。

    Australian government is much more supportive of disadvantaged people and communities.

    澳大利亚政府更加支持弱势群体(disadvantaged people)和社区。

    3.Were you discriminated against ?你,受过歧视吗?


    老师不问原因,也不听解释(didn't listen to his story),就把卫普扔进校长办公室。成年后的卫普,坦言道:That was the worst experience. 那是我人生中最糟糕的经历!

    问他:Are you healed? 从那段伤害中,走出来了吗?

    他说: Yes, I’m. 因为大家都不懂事。 They didn’t understand.


    有一次,跟一个Russian white guy一起面试,英语为母语的卫普,工资却低了一大截。

    “当天我就直接辞职了...I quit that job right away that day”,他说。

    尽管受到过不公平的待遇,但卫普却说,“It isn’t indicative of my overall experience in China.”(但这并不能代表我在中国的全部经历。)

    It’s really stupid to judge people by the colors. 根据肤色来衡量一个人简直太愚蠢了。

    很多家长不喜欢Asian looking teacher(亚洲面孔的老师)却喜欢 Western looking teacher(西方面孔的老师),


    What matters as a teacher!作为一个老师,什么才是重要的!

    Many people are blind by their own prejudice.很多人被自己的偏见蒙蔽了双眼。

    很多家长付了高昂的学费,却把孩子送到了not qualified teachers(不专业的老师)手中。

    Language and race are two separated things. 语言与人种是两码事!

    Language and teaching language are two different things, too.“会说”与“会教”也是两码事!

    4.With which words we can call yellow person and black person can be political correct or polite? 怎样称呼“黄种人”“黑种人”比较正确、合理?

    现在肤色问题变得很sensitive(敏感),Google已经把“black list”(黑名单)更改为了“block list”。

    The best solution is to use something else to describe someone apart from their ethnicity or skin colour. 与国际友人相处,最好不要描述一个人的种族和肤色。

    You can describe them by using something they are wearing(衣服) or even something like their hairstyle(发型)。

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      上一篇:双语脱口秀《老外来了》:太不同!美国人和法国人,这样摆地摊!Vintage原来在法国地摊上? 下一篇:双语脱口秀《老外来了》:微信“拍一拍”,居然藏着个英文冷知识!


