很多小伙伴背了很多英语单词,却还是听不懂外国人的对话,很大一部分原因是我们学的是书面用语,而对方说的是一些约定俗成的习语俗语,所以如果我们想要提升自己的口语水平,还是要注意英语俗语的积累。以下是听力课堂小编整理的英语俗语:turn a deaf ear的资料,希望你能有所收获!
turn a deaf ear汉语中有“充耳不闻”这一说法,恐怕你是知道的。与之相对应的英语表达方式便是今天要讲的turn a deaf ear这个成语。聋子听不见,无可指责:有些人虽不聋,但却假装没听见,或者干脆拒绝听。这些现象都可以用turn a deaf ear来表达。这个成语和turn a blind eye十分相似。不愿听或装听不见的事用to介词短语表示:
He turned a deaf ear to all the warnings his parents and friends gave him and finally got deeply involved in the crime.
To all those rumours and gossips, I advise you to turn a deaf ear and do what you judge to be right.
Our neighbour turned a deaf ear to our request that they should turn their TV’s volume down a bit after 10 p.m..
以上就是英语俗语:turn a deaf ear的全部资料,还等什么,赶快练起来吧!