【演讲人及介绍】Ashwin Naidu
阿什温·奈杜(Ashwin Naidu),渔猫保护主义者,成立了渔猫保护协会,以增强南亚和东南亚的当地人民的能力,帮助渔猫及其全球重要的红树林栖息地。
翻译者 Lipeng Chen 校对 Yolanda Zhang
(Imitates fishing cat)
That's my impersonation of a fishing cat,which actually sounds more like this.
(Prerecorded fishing cat sounds)
It's a cat that loves water, loves to fish,and lives in some of the most unique and valuable ecosystems on earth: thewetlands and mangrove forests of South and Southeast Asia. Aren't they fishingawesome?
Fishing cats are one of about 40 species ofwildcats. Like tigers and lions, only much smaller. They're probably aroundtwice the size of our average domestic cat. In Indonesia, people call them"kucing bakau," which literally translates to "the cat of themangroves." But I like to call them the tigers of the mangroves.
渔猫是 40 种野生猫类之一。就像是狮子和老虎,只是更小一些。它们大概是普通家猫的两倍大小。在印度尼西亚,人们称它们为“kucing bakau”,直译就是“红树林之猫”。但是我喜欢叫它们红树林之虎。
Now, we don't know fishing cats as well aswe do tigers, but what we've learned is that these cats can be a flagshipspecies to a globally important ecosystem, and a visual bait attached to astrong line for conservation. Are you hooked yet?
Like many endangered species, fishing catsare threatened by habitat loss, mainly because of our international demand forfarmed fish and shrimp, and the deforestation of nearly half the historicmangrove cover in South and Southeast Asia. Mangroves, on the other hand, aremuch more than just habitat to the fishing cat. They are home to a fantasticarray of species, like jackals, turtles, shorebirds and otters.
Mangroves also prevent soil erosion, andthey can be the first line of defense between storm surges, tsunamis and themillions of people who live next to these forests for their day-to-daysurvival. The fact that puts the icing on the cake -- or the earth, I shouldsay -- is that mangroves can store upwards of five to ten times more carbondioxide than tropical forests. So protecting one acre of mangroves may well belike protecting five or more acres of tropical forests. Would you like toeliminate you entire life's carbon footprint? Well, mangroves can offer you oneof the best bangs for your conservation buck.
Deforestation, extinction and climatechange are all global problems that we can solve by giving value to our speciesand ecosystems and by working together with the local people who live next tothem. This is one of three river deltas in coastal South India wherecommunities came together to change the face and potentially, the fate of thisplanet. In less than a decade, with international support, the state forestdepartments and the local communities worked together to restore over 20,000acres of unproductive fish and shrimp farms back into mangroves. About fiveyears ago, guess who we discovered in these restored mangroves?
森林砍伐、物种灭绝以及气候变暖都是我们可以解决的全球性问题,只要我们赋予物种和生态系统价值,并且和生活在它们周围的当地居民紧密合作。这是印度南部海岸的三个河流三角洲之一,那里的居民正在共同行动,改变地球的样貌,可能也会改变地球的命运。有了全球的支持,在十年之内,国家林业部门和当地的群体一同努力合作,将超过 20000 英亩贫瘠的鱼虾养殖场重新变成了红树林。大约五年前,猜猜我们在这些被恢复的红树林里发现了什么?
When we shared images of these fishing catswith local people, we were able to build pride among them about a globallyrevered endangered species and ecosystem in their backyards. We were also ableto build trust with some people to help them lead alternative livelihoods.
Meet Santosh, a 19-year-old boy who notonly became a conservation professional after working with us for just over ayear but also went on to involve many local fishermen in helping study andprotect fishing cats.
来见见桑托西,这个 19 岁的男孩不仅仅在和我们工作了一年多之后变成了职业保护人士,还将许多当地的渔民带入到帮助研究和保护渔猫的队伍中来。
Meet Moshi, a tribal poacher, who not onlystopped hunting and became our most prized conservationist, but also used histraditional knowledge to educate his entire community to stop hunting fishingcats, otters and the many other threatened species that live in the mangrovesin his backyard.
Fish and shrimp farmers, like Venkat, arenow willing to work with us conservationists to test the sustainable harvest ofecosystem services like crabs, and possibly even honey, from mangroves.Incentives that could get them to protect and plant mangroves where they havebeen lost. A win-win-win for fishing cats, local people and the globalcommunity.
These stories show us that we can all bepart of a future where fishing cats and the lost mangrove forests are protectedand restored by fishermen themselves, creating carbon sinks that can helpoffset our ecological footprints.
So while the fishing cat may be small, Ihope that we've been able to help make it a big deal. One that we can allinvest in to help sustain our lives on earth a little longer.
Thank you.