Scene 2 清洁
❶ 我一起床就去刷牙洗脸。As soon as I get up, I brush my teeth and wash my face.
对话 A: What do you do after you get up every morning? 每天早上起床后,你干什么?
B: As soon as I get up, I brush my teeth and wash my face. 我一起床就去刷牙洗脸。
❷ 你刷牙了吗?Have you brushed your teeth?
同类表达 Have you washed your face? 你洗脸了吗?
I need to get changed. 我需要换下衣服。
这样回答 Yes, I have./No, I haven't.
❸ 把头发梳一下。Comb your hair.
同类表达 I have to brush my hair. 我得梳梳头发。
❹ 我要把胡子刮掉。I need to shave off my beard.
对话 A: I need to shave off my beard. 我要把胡子刮掉。
B: Besides this, I think you need to cut your hair short. 除此之外,你还要把头发剪短。
❺ 它会堵塞毛孔吗?Will it clog my pores?
同类表达 Is this alcohol-free? 这是无酒精的吗?
对话 A: My skin is very sensitive. Will it clog my pores? 我皮肤很敏感。它会堵塞毛孔吗?
B: No, it won't. 不,不会的。
❻ 不要挤黑头。Don't squeeze the blackheads.
对话 A: How do I get rid of blackheads? 我怎样才能除掉黑头?
B: Don't squeeze the blackheads or you'll get pockmarks. 不要挤黑头否则会留下麻点。
❼ 我常使用这种面膜。I use this facial mask often.
对话 A: How do you care your skin? 你怎样护理皮肤?
B: I use this facial mask often. 我常使用这种面膜。
❽ 抹点护肤液吧。Put some lotion on your face.
同类表达 Apply some lotion on your face. 抹点乳液吧。
Please apply some sunscreen in order to protect your skin from sunburn. 为了避免皮肤被晒伤,请涂些防晒霜吧。
❾ 你多久敷一次面膜?How often do you use a facial mask?
对话 A: How often do you use a facial mask? 你多久敷一次面膜?
B: I use this reviving facial mask twice a week. 我每周敷两次这种活肤面膜。
❿ 我通常化淡妆。I often put on light make-up.