20-Tuesday 生活故事 258词
题材: 生活故事 词数: 258 建议阅读时间: 5.5分钟
Jack lived in a small town near the sea.He loved the beaches and the visitors who came in summer.His family had moved there when he was two years old.Now,eleven years later,he was going to enter the eighth grade.Jack had lots of friends,really good friends,and the school he went to was almost new.He loved basketball.He played as a seventh grader,and he was going to be in the starting five during the coming season.
One morning at the breakfast table,Jack's dad told everybody that there would be a change about his job,and the family would be moving to a large city in another state.Jack was angry and terribly disappointed.He didn't like big cities,and he knew that leaving his friends would be very hard.
On his first day he found this new school was much older,and it seemed that the students didn't like to make friends with him.
“I really hate this school,”Jack said at the dinner table that night.“Why can't we move back where all my friends are?”
Jack's mother asked him if he was really trying to make new friends.Jack didn't answer.He was too busy thinking back over the great times he used to have with his old friends at the beach and during practices in the gym.
Jack's disappointment deepened the next day when he learned that his new school didn't even have sports.There was no basketball team!He felt like telling the kids in the new school exactly what he thought about the place,but something inside of him told him that he should keep his thoughts to himself.
starting n. (体育比赛中的)首发阵容:starting five(篮球比赛中的)首发五人/starting eleven(足球比赛中的)首发11人
deepen v. 加深;变浓:Over the years her love for him deepened.岁月流逝,她对他的爱更深。/This bad news deepened the atmosphere of depression.这个坏消息加深了悲观的气氛。
1.This reading is mainly about ________.
A.Jack's father's new job in a city
B.Jack's change of his school
C.Jack's new school and basketball
D.Jack's favorite and family
2.From the reading we learn that ________.
A.Jack was one of the best basketball players in his grade
B.Jack was very good at making new friends
C.the school in the city was almost new but had no basketball team
D.the city life was just what Jack wanted
3.Jack didn't answer Mother's question because he ________.
A.was very angry about the new school
B.was too busy with his lessons
C.had no time to think about it
D.wanted to talk to his dad
4.We know that Jack ________.
A.was going back to his old friends
B.had a great time for the first day in the new school
C.didn't think about his basketball any more
D.was thirteen and loved the beaches
5.He kept his thoughts to himself not to ________.
A.trouble his mom and dad
B.hurt the kids in the new school
C.make his old friends sad
D.show he was pleased with the new life
Tuesday 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B