World Cup soccer fans in Qatar cannot spend all of their time watching matches.
So, some of them head to the desert outside Doha for camel rides and photos. They want to have a tourist experience between games.
Business is good for the animal handlers. They are making much more money than usual.
However, the interest is causing trouble for the camels.
Ali Jaber al Ali is 49. He is from Sudan but has been in Qatar for 15 years. He said he started working with camels as a boy. He said he grew up loving camels and can identify them by their faces.
Ali Jaber al Ali 今年 49 岁。他来自苏丹,但一直在卡塔尔工作了 15 年。他说他从小就开始与骆驼打交道。他说他从小就喜欢骆驼,可以通过它们的脸来识别它们。
On a normal day, he said, his company would offer around 20 rides during the week and 50 rides on the weekends. But with so many soccer fans visiting the country in recent weeks, he and his team are giving 500 rides in the morning and 500 in the evening.
他说,在正常情况下,他的公司会在一周内提供大约 20 次乘车服务,在周末提供 50 次乘车服务。但最近几周有这么多球迷来到这个国家,他和他的团队早上提供了 500 次乘车服务,晚上提供了 500 次乘车服务。
There's a lot of money coming in, Al Ali said. "Thank god, but it is a lot of pressure."
Al Ali 说,有很多钱进来了。 “谢天谢地,不过压力很大。”
But that means the camels have little time to rest. The animals are protesting by making loud sounds.
Before roads were built, camels were important to transportation and trade in Qatar. Now they are mostly used in racing and to give rides.
Al Ali said he can tell when they are tired. Usually the camels will not get up or they will sit back down after standing up.
In usual times, the camels can rest after every five rides, but not during the World Cup. They give 15 or more rides in a row.
平时骆驼每骑五次就可以休息,但世界杯期间没有。他们连续提供 15 次或更多次游乐设施。
The day begins for Al Ali at 4:30 in the morning. He said tourists want to get a photo at sunrise. The camels and their handlers get to rest for about two hours in the middle of the day but then must start giving rides again. Al Ali called it the "afternoon battle."
Al Ali 的一天从早上 4:30 开始。他说游客想在日出时合影留念。骆驼和它们的饲养员在中午可以休息大约两个小时,但随后必须重新开始骑行。阿里称其为“午后之战”。
Not every customer is happy. Pablo Corigliano from Argentina said he was hoping for a more authentic experience. The rides start on the side of a large road, just past a city known for its oil production centers.
并非每个客户都满意。来自阿根廷的 Pablo Corigliano 表示,他希望获得更真实的体验。游乐设施从一条大路的一侧开始,刚刚经过一个以石油生产中心而闻名的城市。
"I thought I would be crossing the desert," he said, "but when I arrived, I saw a typical tourist point."